Ольга Исакова
начальник Ростовского агентства транспортного обслуживания, АО «Федеральная грузовая компания»
Ольга Исакова
начальник Ростовского агентства транспортного обслуживания, АО «Федеральная грузовая компания»
Speaker's session
Евгений Бабич
директор филиала, ПАО «ТрансКонтейнер» на Северо-Кавказской железной дороге
Евгений Бабич
директор филиала, ПАО «ТрансКонтейнер» на Северо-Кавказской железной дороге
Speaker's session
Григорий Ковалев
директор филиала, АО «РЖД Логистика» в г. Ростове-на-Дону
Григорий Ковалев
директор филиала, АО «РЖД Логистика» в г. Ростове-на-Дону
Speaker's session
Владимир Петрук
Начальник, Северо-Кавказская дирекция управления движением - филиал ОАО «РЖД»
Владимир Петрук
Начальник, Северо-Кавказская дирекция управления движением - филиал ОАО «РЖД»
Speaker's session
Yuri Avdeev
Управляющий РОО Ростовский – вице-президент Банка «ВТБ» (ПАО)
Yuri Avdeev
Управляющий РОО Ростовский – вице-президент Банка «ВТБ» (ПАО)
Speaker's session
Vladimir Pyastolov
General Director, JSC FPK
Vladimir Pyastolov
General Director, JSC FPK
Speaker's session
Vladimir Penkov
Acting Deputy Head of the Customs Control Organization Service - Head of the Customs Transit Control Department, Southern Customs Administration
Vladimir Penkov
Acting Deputy Head of the Customs Control Organization Service - Head of the Customs Transit Control Department, Southern Customs Administration
Speaker's session
Vladimir Gurba
Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District
Vladimir Gurba
Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District
Speaker's session
Victoria Maltseva
Managing Director - Director of the Corporate Client Sales Center, South-West Bank Sberbank
Victoria Maltseva
Managing Director - Director of the Corporate Client Sales Center, South-West Bank Sberbank
Speaker's session
Vadim Zhukov
Director of the Rostov Branch, "First Freight Company"
Vadim Zhukov
Director of the Rostov Branch, "First Freight Company"
Speaker's session
Pavel Trofimov
Director of the Corporate Business Development Department, Absolut Bank
Pavel Trofimov
Director of the Corporate Business Development Department, Absolut Bank
Speaker's session
Nikolay Snytkin
Director for Logistics in Russia and the CIS, Eurochem Trading Rus
Nikolay Snytkin
Director for Logistics in Russia and the CIS, Eurochem Trading Rus
Speaker's session
Mikhail Tikhonov
Deputy Governor of the Rostov Region
Mikhail Tikhonov
Deputy Governor of the Rostov Region
Speaker's session
Mikhail Taran
Head of Import and Export Logistics Department, Guardian Glass Services
Mikhail Taran
Head of Import and Export Logistics Department, Guardian Glass Services
Speaker's session
Mikhail Sinev
President, ASORPS (Associations of Food Sector Organizations)
Mikhail Sinev
President, ASORPS (Associations of Food Sector Organizations)
Speaker's session
Mikhail Silin
Head of the Logistics Operational Management Department, EuroChem
Mikhail Silin
Head of the Logistics Operational Management Department, EuroChem
Speaker's session
Marina Turyanskaya
Director, Trading House "RIF"
Marina Turyanskaya
Director, Trading House "RIF"
Speaker's session
Marianna Ozhereleeva
Host, RZD TV
Marianna Ozhereleeva
Host, RZD TV
Farid Zainulin
Head, North Caucasian Directorate for Terminal and Warehouse Complex Management, Russian Railways
Farid Zainulin
Head, North Caucasian Directorate for Terminal and Warehouse Complex Management, Russian Railways
Speaker's session
Artur Nurmukhamedov
General Director, ABC Rail
Artur Nurmukhamedov
General Director, ABC Rail
Speaker's session
Anton Zakharevich
Deputy Director for Production (Transport) - Head of Department, "TAGMET"
Anton Zakharevich
Deputy Director for Production (Transport) - Head of Department, "TAGMET"
Speaker's session
Andrey Yaroslavtsev
Managing Director, Tuapse Commercial Sea Port
Andrey Yaroslavtsev
Managing Director, Tuapse Commercial Sea Port
Speaker's session
Anatoly Mescheryakov
Director of Тransport Department, Government of the Russian Federation
Anatoly Mescheryakov
Director of Тransport Department, Government of the Russian Federation
Speaker's session
Alla Skantseva
Head of the North Caucasian Territorial Center for Corporate Transport Services, Russian Railways
Alla Skantseva
Head of the North Caucasian Territorial Center for Corporate Transport Services, Russian Railways
Speaker's session
Alexey Shilo
Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation
Alexey Shilo
Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation
Mr. Shilo was born on 21 July 1978. In 2000, he graduated from the Ural State University of Railway Transport with a degree in Transportation Organization and Management in Transport (Railway). In 2001, he graduated with a degree in Economics and Railway Transport Enterprise Management.
Mr. Shilo began his railway career in 2000 as a signal cabin duty officer at the Kurya station of the Sverdlovsk Railway. He later worked as Head of the Tchaikovskaya Station, Deputy Head of the Perm-Sortirovochnaya Station, Head of the Perm-2 Station, Deputy Head of the Perm Branch of the Sverdlovsk Railway, First Deputy Head of the Tyumen Branch of the Sverdlovsk Railway, and First Deputy Head of the Sverdlovsk Railway Transportation Service. He held senior positions in the Sverdlovsk and Gorky Directorates of Traffic Management, and also worked as Deputy Head of the Central Directorate of Traffic Management (for Development).
February 2015: Appointed Head of the Railway Services and Infrastructure Management Department
February 2017 – present: Head of the Centre for Corporate Transport Services (a branch of JSC Russian Railways)
10 May 2017 – present: Director of JSC Russian Railways for Commercial Activity – Head of the Centre for Corporate Transport Services
December 2018: Appointed Deputy Managing Director of JSC Russian Railways – Head of the Centre for Corporate Transport Services
Speaker's session
Alexey Kuzmichev
First Deputy General Director, RN-Trans JSC
Alexey Kuzmichev
First Deputy General Director, RN-Trans JSC
Speaker's session
Alexei Belsky
The Central Directorate for Management of the Terminal & Warehouse Complex, Russian Railways
Alexei Belsky
The Central Directorate for Management of the Terminal & Warehouse Complex, Russian Railways
Speaker's session
Alexander Panasenko
Head of Development of Transport Integration Technologies, Tander
Alexander Panasenko
Head of Development of Transport Integration Technologies, Tander
Speaker's session
Alexander Khalezin
Director for Projects and Development, Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port
Alexander Khalezin
Director for Projects and Development, Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port
Speaker's session
Agop Khatlamadzhiyan
First Deputy Director of the Rostov Branch, NIIAS
Agop Khatlamadzhiyan
First Deputy Director of the Rostov Branch, NIIAS
Speaker's session