International railway fair in the area 1520 //Motion.Expo PRO
24-27 August 2023, Russian railway museum
International railway fair in the area 1520 «PRO//Motion.Expo»
«PRO//Motion.Expo» - единственный железнодорожный биеннале на пространстве «широкой» колеи и крупнейшая в Восточной Европе и странах СНГ железнодорожная выставка по количеству натурных экспонатов. Генеральным партнером мероприятия выступает ОАО «РЖД».
Уникальная коммуникационная площадка для встречи лидеров железнодорожной отрасли, экспертов, специалистов, презентации производителей, подписания соглашений с иностранными партнерами. Крупнейшие компании-производители подвижного состава продемонстрируют современные образцы железнодорожной техники в рамках статической и динамической экспозиций выставки.
More information on the website: www.railwayexpo.ru/en/
Key speakers of the business program
Oleg Belozerov
Chief Executive Officer - Chairman of the Executive Board, JSC “Russian Railways”
Oleg Belozerov
Chief Executive Officer - Chairman of the Executive Board, JSC “Russian Railways”
Graduated from St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance (1992).
2000-2001 – Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Northwestern Federal District, Head of the Financial and Economic Department.
2001-2002 – JSC LOMO, Deputy Director, Management of Corporate Property.
2002-2004 – JSC Russian Fuel Company, Managing Director.
2004-2009 – Federal Road Agency, Deputy Head, Head.
2009-2015 – Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Deputy Minister, First Deputy Minister.
August 2011 Assigned Class Rank of Active State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st Class.
August 20, 2015 Appointed President of JSC Russian Railways.
November 17, 2017 – by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation was appointed as Chief Executive Officer – Chairman of the Board of JSCo Russian Railways.
Oleg Belozerov is the Chairman of the International Union of Railways (UIC) and Co-Chairman of the Russia-France Business Cooperation Council.Speaker's session
PRO//MOTION.1520/ Opening ceremony. Plenary session/ 29.10.2019
PRO//Motion.Expo/Opening Plenary Session. Digital Transformation and Future Technologies in the Railway Industry/ 29.10.2019
PRO//MOTION.1520 2018 / Opening ceremony. Oleg Belozerov, CEO - Chairman of the Executive Board, JSC “Russian Railways”. Welcome speech.
PRO//Motion.1520 2018. PRO//Future of the world transportation system: global trends
PRO//Motion.1520 2020. Opening Ceremony/ Plenary discussion
PRO//Motion.1520 2020. Plenary discussion
Sergey Kobzev
First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer,JSC “Russian Railways”
Sergey Kobzev
First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer,JSC “Russian Railways”
After graduating from the Moscow Institute of Railway Transport Engineers in 1986 he began working as an assistant electric locomotive driver at the Ryazan Locomotive Depot of the Moscow Railway.
1999: Appointed Head of the Moscow – Ryazan Branch of the Moscow Railway
1999–2003: Deputy Head, Chief Engineer, Moscow Railway
2003–2007: Head, Locomotive Department of JSC Russian Railways
2007: Appointed First Deputy Managing Director of the Railway Research Institute, Acting CEO of the Railway Research Institute
2009–2011: Head of the Kuibyshev Railway (a branch of JSC Russian Railways)
2011: Appointed Head of the Centre for Technological Coordination (a business unit of JSC Russian Railways)
2014: Appointed Chief Technical Officer of Transmashholding
2015–2017: Head of the Northern Railway (a territorial branch of JSС Russian Railways)
April 2017: Appointed Senior Vice President of JSC Russian Railways
November 2017: Appointed Deputy Managing Director – Chief Engineer of JSС Russian Railways.
Speaker's session
Anatoly Khramtsov
Deputy Managing Director – Chief Engineer, JSC “Russian Railways”
Anatoly Khramtsov
Deputy Managing Director – Chief Engineer, JSC “Russian Railways”
Yevgeny Charkin
Deputy Managing Director, JSC “Russian Railways”
Yevgeny Charkin
Deputy Managing Director, JSC “Russian Railways”
Mikhail Glazkov
Deputy Managing Director – Head of the Central Traffic Control Directorate, JSC “Russian Railways”
Mikhail Glazkov
Deputy Managing Director – Head of the Central Traffic Control Directorate, JSC “Russian Railways”
Dmitry Shakhanov
Deputy CEO, JSC “Russian Railways”
Dmitry Shakhanov
Deputy CEO, JSC “Russian Railways”
Dmitry Pegov
Deputy CEO, JSC “Russian Railways”
Dmitry Pegov
Deputy CEO, JSC “Russian Railways”
- All speakers
Key topics of the business program
Rail industry in an era of change
Conditions for achieving technological sovereignty
Import-independent locomotives
Who can produce and under what conditions?
Development and implementation of new technologies
Technological independence as the main vector
Future of unmanned trains
When and what grade of automation will be introduced on the railway rolling stock?
Prospects for development of transport and railway engineering
What will determine the development of the industry in the coming decades and how will its technological image change?
С 24 по 27 августа в Санкт-Петербурге состоялся Международный железнодорожный салон «PRO//Движение.Экспо»
Впервые самое масштабное событие в сфере железнодорожного машиностроения проходило на площадке Музея железных дорог России. Экспозиция салона была представлена на площадке 7 тыс. кв. м – в крытом павильоне, на открытой площадке и рельсовом полотне.
Международный железнодорожный салон пространства 1520 «PRO//Движение.Экспо» теперь в Санкт-Петербурге!
Своё участие подтвердили более 100 российских и иностранных компаний, в том числе производители подвижного состава, железнодорожного оборудования и комплектующих, специалисты в области строительства и обеспечения безопасности на железных дорогах, инжиниринга и дизайна, среди которых: ОАО «РЖД», АО «Трансмашхолдинг», Группа ПТК, АО «Синара - Транспортные машины», НПК «Объединенная Вагонная компания», Группа компаний 1520, АО «Фирма «Твема», АО «Алтайвагон», АО НПЦ ИНФОТРАНС, Группа компаний «Ключевые системы и компоненты», АО «Радиоавионика» и другие.