International railway fair in the area 1520 //Motion.Expo PRO
28-31August 2025, Russian railway museum
Железнодорожная конференция
«PRO//Движение.Туризм» - это коммуникационная площадка для поиска решений по развитию внутреннего железнодорожного туризма в России. Конференция пройдет при участии Куйбышевской железной дороги, генеральным партнером мероприятия выступает ОАО «РЖД».
Цель конференции – раскрыть экономический потенциал внутреннего туризма на региональном уровне.
Богатое историческое наследие, развитая железнодорожная инфраструктура в регионе определяет потенциал развития железнодорожного туризма. Железнодорожный туризм стал востребованным продуктом. Сейчас существуют около 50 маршрутов, которые проходят через Карелию, Урал, Сибирь. Такие путешествия позволяют познакомиться с национальными парками, природными памятниками от Калининграда до Сахалина.
В рамках деловой программы в формате открытого диалога обсудят стратегии развития регионального туризма в Приволжском федеральном округе, меры поддержки туристической отрасли, методы популяризации и продвижения внутреннего туризма на федеральном и региональном уровнях, развитие туристической инфраструктуры, а также будут представлены новые мультимодальные и железнодорожные маршруты.
В конференции примут участие представители федеральных и региональных органов власти, российских железных дорог, туроператоров, ключевых туристических ассоциаций, компаний-перевозчиков пассажиров, эксперты отрасли.
Formats and opportunities:
Business program
Sponsorship and Advertising
Key speakers of the conference
Иван Колесников
Заместитель генерального директора, ОАО «РЖД»
Иван Колесников
Заместитель генерального директора, ОАО «РЖД»
Speakers's session
Вячеслав Дмитриев
Начальник Куйбышевской железной дороги – филиал ОАО «РЖД»
Вячеслав Дмитриев
Начальник Куйбышевской железной дороги – филиал ОАО «РЖД»
Артур Абдрашитов
Министр туризма Самарской области
Артур Абдрашитов
Министр туризма Самарской области
Elena Rakova
First Deputy Head of the Passenger Transportation Department, JSC Russian Railways
Elena Rakova
First Deputy Head of the Passenger Transportation Department, JSC Russian Railways
Speakers's session
Vladimir Pyastolov
General Director, JSC FPK
Vladimir Pyastolov
General Director, JSC FPK
Ольга Захарова
Директор Дивизиона «Городская экономика», Агентство стратегических инициатив
Ольга Захарова
Директор Дивизиона «Городская экономика», Агентство стратегических инициатив
Екатерина Хантеева
Руководитель направления внутренних коммуникаций, «АвтоВАЗ»
Екатерина Хантеева
Руководитель направления внутренних коммуникаций, «АвтоВАЗ»
Андрей Максимов
Председатель Координационного совета по развитию туризма, индустрии гостеприимства и отдыха, Общественная палата Российской Федерации
Андрей Максимов
Председатель Координационного совета по развитию туризма, индустрии гостеприимства и отдыха, Общественная палата Российской Федерации
- All speakers
Key topics of the business program
Мультимодальные туристические маршруты
Комфортные форматы путешествий, развитие железнодорожного туризма в России
Национальные туристические маршруты
Экономический потенциал внутреннего туризма в Приволжском федеральном округе
Комплексные туристические услуги
Роль региона в обеспечении связности между железнодорожной инфраструктурой и объектами
Точки притяжения в регионах
Как продвигать и развивать потенциал региона?
Маркетинг и продвижение
Как популяризировать региональный туристический бренд и укреплять лояльность туристов?
Программа «PRO//Движение.Туризм»
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Итоги транспортно-логистической конференции «PRO//Движение.Сибирь»
В Новосибирске состоялась V юбилейная конференция «PRO//Движение.Сибирь»!
Руководство ОАО «РЖД», ключевые клиенты и партнеры обсудили актуальные вопросы пропускных способностей Западно – Сибирской магистрали, перспективы реализации инвестиционных проектов по развитию инфраструктуры, развитие новых экспортных маршрутов.
В продуктивном диалоге участвовали:
// Михаил Глазков, заместитель генерального директора ОАО «РЖД» – начальник Центральной дирекции управления движением (онлайн)
// Валерий Баккал, заместитель начальника Центра фирменного транспортного обслуживания (по оперативной работе) ОАО «РЖД» (онлайн)
// Александр Грицай, начальник Западно - Сибирской железной дороги – филиала ОАО «РЖД»
// Никита Пушкарев, первый вице-президент ПАО «ТрансКонтейнер»
// Алексей Барбариуш, управляющий директор «Русагротранс»
// Наталья Иванова, директор по транспорту и логистике АО «ЕВРАЗ ЗСМК»
// Хасян Зябиров, генеральный директор АО «Уголь-транс» (онлайн)
Меньше месяца осталось до ежегодной 5-ой конференции «PRO//Движение.Сибирь»
13 сентября 2024 г. в «Маринс Парк Отель Новосибирск» пройдет 5-ая конференция «PRO//Движение.Сибирь», ключевое событие в сфере транспортной логистики Западной Сибири!
Деловая конференция организована с целью развития эффективного диалога с ключевыми клиентами и партнерами ОАО «РЖД» для поиска решений проблем на полигоне Западно – Сибирской железной дороги, расширения взаимодействия и содействия продвижению достижений холдинга в информационном пространстве.
В диалоге примут участие первые лица ОАО «РЖД», такие как: Михаил Глазков, заместитель генерального директора ОАО «РЖД» – начальник Центральной дирекции управления движением и Александр Грицай, начальник Западно - Сибирской железной дороги – филиала ОАО «РЖД», а также представители органов государственной власти, партнеры и клиенты холдинга.
Конференция «PRO//Движение.Восток» в Хабаровске состоится уже через неделю!
С целью поддержания диалога в рамках развития сотрудничества власти, железной дороги, портов и отправителей и владельцев грузов Дальневосточного региона 23 мая 2024 года в Хабаровске состоится транспортно – логистическая конференция «PRO//Движение.Восток».
В рамках деловой программы обсудят вопросы модернизации железнодорожной и портовой инфраструктуры, развитие экспортного потенциала вывоза грузов, баланса грузов на сети и системные технологические решения.
В год 50-летия БАМа особое внимание будет уделено акцентам на увеличение пропускной способности БАМа и Транссиба в направлении дальневосточных портов.
Соглашение о сотрудничестве и новый туристический маршрут на конференции P«PRO//движение.Туризм»
Соглашение о сотрудничестве и новый туристический маршрут — первые итоги конференции «PRO//движение.Туризм» для регионов Приволжского федерального округа.
На полях железнодорожной конференции «PRO//движение.Туризм» в Тольятти подписали соглашение о сотрудничестве в сфере туризма с Самарской областью.
Начальник Куйбышевской железной дороги Вячеслав Дмитриев и министр туризма Самарской области Артур Абдрашитов
23 апреля 2024 г. в Екатеринбурге состоится транспортно – логистическая конференция «PRO//Движение.Урал».
Ключевая тема конференции: внутрироссийские перевозки грузов как драйвер развития экономики страны.
К диалогу и поиску баланса взаимодействия приглашаются руководители ОАО «РЖД», владельцы и отправители грузов, представители организаций, участвующих в цепочке поставок грузов и обеспечивающих развитие логистики в Уральском федеральном округе.
В рамках пленарной сессии спикеры и эксперты конференции обсудят следующие вопросы:
• Потенциал роста внутрироссийских перевозок грузов. Возможные драйверы развития.
• Упрощение доступа к услугам железнодорожного транспорта.
• Развитие особых экономических зон - железнодорожной и промышленно - производственной инфраструктуры (ОЭЗ «Титановая долина»).
• Перспектива развития Сухого порта Свердловской области.
• Стратегические инфраструктурные проекты, широтные хода, формирование меридионального транспортного коридора «Екатеринбург - арктические порты Ямала». -
Путешествовать – значит жить!
Вдохновляющая цитата Ганса Христиана Андерсена давно стала несомненным девизом для многих людей, не представляющих свою жизнь без туристических поездок. В последние годы активно развивается железнодорожный туризм, организующий комплексный отдых и насыщенный досуг для путешественников всех возрастов.
18 апреля в г. Тольятти пройдет железнодорожная конференция «PRO//Движение.Туризм», где традиционно обсудят вопросы туристической деятельности, в этот раз для Самарской области. Самарская область совместно с ОАО «РЖД» уже успешно реализовывает железнодорожные маршруты и круизы, и в планах множество новых проектов. В рамках деловой программы рассмотрят перспективные направления туризма и возможности их скорейшего осуществления.
Приветственное обращение к участникам транспортно-логистической конференции «PRO//Движение.Сибирь 2023» от имени Александра Грицая, начальника Западно-Сибирской железной дороги – филиала ОАО «РЖД»
2022-й стал годом мощнейших преобразований, изменился рынок экспорта и импорта, кардинально изменилась и логистика, стремительно сделав разворот с Запада на Восток. Приглашаю всех к открытому диалогу, дискуссии, обмену мнениями и продуктивной совместной работе! Присоединяйтесь к конференции в офлайн и онлайн режиме. До встречи 3 октября в Новосибирске.
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With the participation
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Media partner
JSC «Russian Railways» Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
JSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
JSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
JSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
JSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
JSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
JSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
АО «Объединенная транспортно-логистическая компания – Евразийский железнодорожный альянс» (ОТЛК ЕРА)
JSC United Transport and Logistics Company – Eurasian Rail Alliance (UTLC ERA) is an asset-light forwarding company. It is an operator of transit container services between China and Europe, performing transportation of goods through the territory of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belorussia, as part of regular container trains from China to Europe (5430 km) per 5.5 days. The founders on an equal footing are JSC RZD, Belarusian Railway (BCh) and JSC NK Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (each owns 33,33% of shares).
UTLC ERA traffic volume in 2019 amounted to 333 thousand TEUs. During the first seven months of 2020 traffic volume amounted to 277.6 thousand TEUs showing 67% growth with the respect to the same period of 2019.
UTLC ERA supports various projects in the field of cultural and sustainable development of the countries participating in the New Silk Road.
JSC United Transport and Logistics Company – Eurasian Rail Alliance (UTLC ERA) was created on 2 April 2018 after restructuring JSC United Transport and Logistics Company (JSC UTLC), that was founded on 13 November 2014. UTLC ERA is UTLC’s legal successor in operating transit container services.
JSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
JSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
SRO Union of Railway Operators Market Self-regulating Organization Union of Railway Operators MarketJSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
SRO Union of Railway Operators Market Self-regulating Organization Union of Railway Operators MarketJSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
SRO Union of Railway Operators Market Self-regulating Organization Union of Railway Operators MarketJSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
JSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
JSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
JSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
JSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
АО «Объединенная транспортно-логистическая компания – Евразийский железнодорожный альянс» (ОТЛК ЕРА)
JSC United Transport and Logistics Company – Eurasian Rail Alliance (UTLC ERA) is an asset-light forwarding company. It is an operator of transit container services between China and Europe, performing transportation of goods through the territory of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belorussia, as part of regular container trains from China to Europe (5430 km) per 5.5 days. The founders on an equal footing are JSC RZD, Belarusian Railway (BCh) and JSC NK Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (each owns 33,33% of shares).
UTLC ERA traffic volume in 2019 amounted to 333 thousand TEUs. During the first seven months of 2020 traffic volume amounted to 277.6 thousand TEUs showing 67% growth with the respect to the same period of 2019.
UTLC ERA supports various projects in the field of cultural and sustainable development of the countries participating in the New Silk Road.
JSC United Transport and Logistics Company – Eurasian Rail Alliance (UTLC ERA) was created on 2 April 2018 after restructuring JSC United Transport and Logistics Company (JSC UTLC), that was founded on 13 November 2014. UTLC ERA is UTLC’s legal successor in operating transit container services.
JSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
JSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
JSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
JSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
JSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
JSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
Синара-Транспортные Машины (СТМ) Digital technology, Digital transformation solutions, Electric & connected vehicles, Engineering & design, Railway infrastructure, Rolling stock, Vehicle equipment, Other Sinara Transport Machines JSC (STM) is a Russian machine-building holding in the field of transport engineering. The company is a leading manufacturer in the market of transport engineering of the Russian Federation in the following segments: electric locomotive building, diesel locomotive building, track maintenance vehicle building, and engine building. STM combines scientific-technical and production potential of Russian companies in the developing, engineering, manufacturing and service of railway machinery and diesel industrial units. Year established 2007. The holding employees over 30,000 people. Sinara-Transport Machines is a full-cycle holding from design and manufacture to product marketing and service. The full-cycle strategy ensure the synergy of STM enterprise activities and holding competitiveness on the modern market of transport machine-building.Группа "Сибантрацит" Группа «Сибантрацит» занимает первое место в мире по производству и экспорту высококачественного антрацита UHG, является крупнейшим в России производителем металлургических углей. В Группу входят ведущие угольные компании Новосибирской области – АО «Сибирский Антрацит» и ООО «Разрез Восточный», крупный производитель угля в Кемеровской области ООО «Разрез Кийзасский». Группа направляет существенные инвестиции в расширение железнодорожной и портовой инфраструктуры. Предприятия Группы входят в число крупнейших налогоплательщиков в регионах присутствия.JSC «Russian Railways»
https://www.rzd.ruJSC Russian Railways is one of the world's largest railway companies with huge volumes of freight and passenger traffic, with high financial ratings, qualified specialists in all areas of railway transport, a large scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, and considerable international experience. cooperation. The company operates one of the largest railway systems in the world with a length of 85.5 thousand km, occupying a leading position in the length of electrified lines - 43.7 thousand km. In the transport system of Russia, Russian Railways provides over 45% of the total cargo turnover (including pipeline transportation) and about 25% of passenger traffic.
Синара-Транспортные Машины (СТМ) Digital technology, Digital transformation solutions, Electric & connected vehicles, Engineering & design, Railway infrastructure, Rolling stock, Vehicle equipment, Other Sinara Transport Machines JSC (STM) is a Russian machine-building holding in the field of transport engineering. The company is a leading manufacturer in the market of transport engineering of the Russian Federation in the following segments: electric locomotive building, diesel locomotive building, track maintenance vehicle building, and engine building. STM combines scientific-technical and production potential of Russian companies in the developing, engineering, manufacturing and service of railway machinery and diesel industrial units. Year established 2007. The holding employees over 30,000 people. Sinara-Transport Machines is a full-cycle holding from design and manufacture to product marketing and service. The full-cycle strategy ensure the synergy of STM enterprise activities and holding competitiveness on the modern market of transport machine-building.Transmashholding TMH (Transmashholding) is a #1 manufacturer in Russia and CIS and #4 globally. The company offers a comprehensive lineup of products and services, ranging from design and engineering of rolling stock to modernization, lifecycle service contracts, and digital traffic control systems.TMH is a Russian company, headquartered in Moscow, with international offices in Switzerland, Hungary, South Africa, Egypt, Argentina, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. It incorporates 16 manufacturing and assembly plants in Russia and abroad, with its international footprint covering over 30 countries.
https://www.vtb.ruJSC VTB Bank, its subsidiary banks and financial organisations (VTB Group) is an international financial group, offering a wide range of financial and banking services and products in Russia, the CIS, and select countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa.
VTB Bank provides a full range of banking services through a wide network of branches. Its subsidiary organisations offer insurance, leasing, factoring and other financial services.
VTB Group has the most extensive international network of any Russian bank, with more than 20 banks and financial companies in more than 20 countries.
As of 31 December 2020, the Group was the second largest financial group in Russia by assets (RUB 18.1 trillion) and by customer accounts (RUB 12.8 trillion).
The Government of the Russian Federation is VTB Group’s main shareholder and owns 60.9% of the voting shares through the Federal Property Management Agency.
For more information please visit
Группа "Сибантрацит" Группа «Сибантрацит» занимает первое место в мире по производству и экспорту высококачественного антрацита UHG, является крупнейшим в России производителем металлургических углей. В Группу входят ведущие угольные компании Новосибирской области – АО «Сибирский Антрацит» и ООО «Разрез Восточный», крупный производитель угля в Кемеровской области ООО «Разрез Кийзасский». Группа направляет существенные инвестиции в расширение железнодорожной и портовой инфраструктуры. Предприятия Группы входят в число крупнейших налогоплательщиков в регионах присутствия.Альянс Туристических АгентствСоздание Альянса туристических агентств (АТА) является значимой вехой в истории российского туррынка. Появление собственного объединения общефедерального масштаба – итог давно назревшей серьезной внутренней потребности розничного рынка к консолидации и структурированию. Главными целями и задачами АТА являются формирование цивилизованных конкурентных отношений между участниками рынка, преодоление разобщенности, выстраивание конструктивного диалога с поставщиками турпродукта и их объединениями, а также органами государственной власти, СМИ и потребителями. До сегодняшнего дня у туристического ритейла не было собственной площадки для формирования единой четкой позиции по важнейшим вопросам развития и эффективных инструментов влияния на рынок. Объединение усилий крупнейших, на первом этапе, участников розничного рынка позволит АТА максимально эффективно отстаивать интересы розницы, а также влиять на формирование благоприятных условий развития данного сегмента малого бизнеса.
Transmashholding TMH (Transmashholding) is a #1 manufacturer in Russia and CIS and #4 globally. The company offers a comprehensive lineup of products and services, ranging from design and engineering of rolling stock to modernization, lifecycle service contracts, and digital traffic control systems.TMH is a Russian company, headquartered in Moscow, with international offices in Switzerland, Hungary, South Africa, Egypt, Argentina, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. It incorporates 16 manufacturing and assembly plants in Russia and abroad, with its international footprint covering over 30 countries.
https://www.vtb.ruJSC VTB Bank, its subsidiary banks and financial organisations (VTB Group) is an international financial group, offering a wide range of financial and banking services and products in Russia, the CIS, and select countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa.
VTB Bank provides a full range of banking services through a wide network of branches. Its subsidiary organisations offer insurance, leasing, factoring and other financial services.
VTB Group has the most extensive international network of any Russian bank, with more than 20 banks and financial companies in more than 20 countries.
As of 31 December 2020, the Group was the second largest financial group in Russia by assets (RUB 18.1 trillion) and by customer accounts (RUB 12.8 trillion).
The Government of the Russian Federation is VTB Group’s main shareholder and owns 60.9% of the voting shares through the Federal Property Management Agency.
For more information please visit
Компания ТрансТелеКом (ТТК) TransTeleCom (TTK) is one of the leading Russian telecom operators. TTK’s main shareholder is Russian Railways, which owns a 99.99% stake in the Company. For Russian Railways’ technological needs TransTeleCom develops and implements innovative digital services. TTK operates and maintains one of the largest fiber-optic networks in Russia with the length of more than 78,000 km and the capacity of more than 4,2 Tbit/s. The transcontinental TTK EurasiaHighway has connections to virtually all neighboring countries, including China, Japan, Mongolia, the DPRK, Finland, the Baltic States and the CIS, and is considered the best route for signal transmission between Europe and Asia. TTK is one of the main providers of telecommunications services for operators and the largest corporations in Russia, and one of the leaders among providers of broadband Internet access services. The Company also provides Interactive TV and mobile communication services for end users in the regions.Transmashholding TMH (Transmashholding) is a #1 manufacturer in Russia and CIS and #4 globally. The company offers a comprehensive lineup of products and services, ranging from design and engineering of rolling stock to modernization, lifecycle service contracts, and digital traffic control systems.TMH is a Russian company, headquartered in Moscow, with international offices in Switzerland, Hungary, South Africa, Egypt, Argentina, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. It incorporates 16 manufacturing and assembly plants in Russia and abroad, with its international footprint covering over 30 countries.
АКБ «Абсолют Банк» (ПАО)
www.absolutbank.ruАбсолют Банк – крупный федеральный банк с фокусом на высокотехнологичное развитие в приоритетных направлениях бизнеса. Банк специализируется на системном обслуживании компаний холдинга ОАО «РЖД», на комплексных решениях в private banking, в розничном бизнесе — на работе в сегментах с высоким уровнем экспертизы и уникальными ИТ-решениями — в ипотеке, автокредитовании, а также в МСБ в цифровом формате Банк работает на финансовом рынке свыше 25 лет. Основной акционер – структуры Негосударственного Пенсионного Фонда «Благосостояние». Абсолют Банк входит в ТОП-40 финансово-кредитных организаций России по размеру активов и представлен в 25 регионах РФ. В том числе офисы банка работают в следующих городах: Москве, Санкт-Петербурге, Екатеринбурге, Ростове-на-Дону, Иркутске, Самаре, Уфе, Набережных премиальные офисы для обслуживания VIP-клиентов, включая Ростов-на-Дону.
ООО "Сименс мобильность" «Сименс АГ» (Берлин и Мюнхен) – ведущий мировой технологический концерн, который на протяжении более 170 лет олицетворяет собой высочайший уровень инжиниринга, инноваций, качества, надежности и проявляет глобальный подход к бизнесу. Компания ведет свою деятельность в более чем 200 странах и специализируется в таких областях, как электрификация, автоматизация и дигитализация. «Сименс» – один из крупнейших в мире поставщиков энергоэффективных и ресурсосберегающих технологий. Предприятие является одним из ведущих производителей парогазовых установок для эффективного производства энергии, поставщиком решений для ее передачи, пионером в области инфраструктурных решений, технологий автоматизации и программного обеспечения для промышленности. Компания является крупным производителем медицинского оборудования для визуализации (компьютерных и магнитно-резонансных томографов) и лабораторной диагностики. В 2017 финансовом году, завершившемся 30 сентября, оборот концерна составил 83,0 млрд. евро, а чистая прибыль – 6,2 млрд. евро. На конец сентября 2017 года в «Сименс» работали 372 тысячи сотрудников по всему миру. ООО «Сименс» является головной компанией «Сименс» в России, Беларуси и Центральной Азии. В этих странах концерн работает по всем традиционным направлениям своей деятельности, присутствует более чем в 40 городах и является одним из ведущих поставщиков продукции, услуг и комплексных решений для модернизации ключевых отраслей экономики и инфраструктуры. ООО «Сименс» насчитывает около 2900 сотрудников. Оборот в 2017 финансовом году (по состоянию на 30 сентября) составил 1,1 млрд. евро. Летом 2018 года в области транспорта была образована компания ООО «Сименс Мобильность».JSC VTB Bank
https://www.vtb.ruJSC VTB Bank, its subsidiary banks and financial organisations (VTB Group) is an international financial group, offering a wide range of financial and banking services and products in Russia, the CIS, and select countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa.
VTB Bank provides a full range of banking services through a wide network of branches. Its subsidiary organisations offer insurance, leasing, factoring and other financial services.
VTB Group has the most extensive international network of any Russian bank, with more than 20 banks and financial companies in more than 20 countries.
As of 31 December 2020, the Group was the second largest financial group in Russia by assets (RUB 18.1 trillion) and by customer accounts (RUB 12.8 trillion).
The Government of the Russian Federation is VTB Group’s main shareholder and owns 60.9% of the voting shares through the Federal Property Management Agency.
For more information please visit
The cluster “Railways Systems KZ” The cluster “Railways Systems KZ” consists of five industrial enterprises engaged in the production of a wide range of products for railway transport. Production is almost 100% automated. The high level of the control over production ensures its compliance with international quality standards and technical regulations. For instance, “Prommashoplect” LLP has a Central Testing Laboratory (CTL) that is certified in accordance with the requirements of ST RK 2.254-2012. The cluster “Railways Systems KZ” uses the “Industry 4.0” concept for building business processes. In particular, it involves widespread implementation of IT, dissemination of artificial intelligence, and Big Data analysis. The cluster “Railways Systems KZ” adheres to environmental liability and treats environmental issues responsibly. All enterprises that are parts of the cluster monitor emissions into the atmosphere and have contracts for waste disposal and its recycling. CONTACTS Address: the Republic of Kazakhstan, Pavlodar region, Ekibastuz, D.A.Kunayev Avenue, Building 201В Phone numbers: +7 (7187) 22 69 61, +7 (7187) 22 69 62 E-mail: Email: “Railways Systems KZ” LLP “Prommashkomplekt” LLP “R.W.S. Concrete” LLP “R.W.S. Wheelset” LLP “R.W.S. Binding” LLP “PROMMASH.KZ” LLPАО «Российский экспортный центр» (РЭЦ) JSC Russian Export Center (REC) is a state institution for support of non-primary exports, providing Russian exporters with a wide range of financial and non-financial support measures. Interaction with relevant ministries and departments, as well as cooperation with key industry and business organizations, allow REC to improve the exporting conditions in Russia and eliminate the impact of existing barriers in carrying out foreign economic activities. Russian export center is part of VEB.RF group. Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment Insurance (JSC EXIAR) and JSC ROSEXIMBANK are integrated into Russian Export Center group, which made it possible to optimize resources and create effective business processes for the provision of comprehensive services to export-oriented companies. REC works with all exporters of non-primary products, goods and services without industry restrictions, providing support at any stage of export activities from the idea of export delivery to post-contract service, including via e-commerce channels.ПАО Сбербанк
www.sberbank.comЮго-Западный банк Сбербанка является филиалом Сбербанка России, обслуживающим территорию 11 субъектов Российской Федерации: Ростовской области, Краснодарского края, Ставропольского края, республики Адыгея, республики Калмыкия, республики Карачаево-Черкесия, республики Кабардино-Балкария, республики Северная Осетия, республики Ингушетия, Чеченской республики, республики Дагестан. Юго-Западный банк обслуживает частных клиентов, юридических лиц и предприятия всех представленных в регионе отраслей, форм собственности и масштабов деятельности: от малого бизнеса до производственных объединений федерального значения. Генеральная лицензия Банка России на осуществление банковских операций №1481.
«Group of companies 1520» LLC
https://1520.ruThe 1520 Group of Companies was founded in 2014. It is one of the largest production and construction holdings in Russia concentrated on the design and construction of railways. Group’s global reach covers the entire Russian railway track with a track gauge of 1,520 mm - from the Baltics to the Pacific Ocean. The Group employs over 20 thousand people.
The 1520 Group of Companies focuses on complex construction, renovation and overhaul of railway infrastructure facilities of any complexity level, design and survey work, production of structures, assemblies and parts, construction and maintenance of highways.
The 1520 Group of Companies is participating in the modernization and development of the "Eastern Polygon" - the Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur Mainlines, in the renovation and development of the Central Transport Hub as well as in other major projects intended for the integrated development of the railway infrastructure in the Russian Federation.
The 1520 Group of Companies is a highly professional team of managers, designers, engineers and experts specialized in complicated construction-related fields who have unique experience in the railway and road construction in any climatic conditions.
The 1520 Group of Companies is comprised of the following companies and enterprises:
Project Division:
Moscow and 18 branches across Russia -
Saint Petersburg -
Construction Division:
Moscow, Tynda, Chita, Khabarovsk -
Моscow, Saint-Petersburg, Vyazma, Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Chita, Khabarovsk -
Ekaterinburg -
Моscow -
Saint-Petersburg -
1520 Signal
«Group of companies 1520» LLC
https://1520.ruThe 1520 Group of Companies was founded in 2014. It is one of the largest production and construction holdings in Russia concentrated on the design and construction of railways. Group’s global reach covers the entire Russian railway track with a track gauge of 1,520 mm - from the Baltics to the Pacific Ocean. The Group employs over 20 thousand people.
The 1520 Group of Companies focuses on complex construction, renovation and overhaul of railway infrastructure facilities of any complexity level, design and survey work, production of structures, assemblies and parts, construction and maintenance of highways.
The 1520 Group of Companies is participating in the modernization and development of the "Eastern Polygon" - the Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur Mainlines, in the renovation and development of the Central Transport Hub as well as in other major projects intended for the integrated development of the railway infrastructure in the Russian Federation.
The 1520 Group of Companies is a highly professional team of managers, designers, engineers and experts specialized in complicated construction-related fields who have unique experience in the railway and road construction in any climatic conditions.
The 1520 Group of Companies is comprised of the following companies and enterprises:
Project Division:
Moscow and 18 branches across Russia -
Saint Petersburg -
Construction Division:
Moscow, Tynda, Chita, Khabarovsk -
Моscow, Saint-Petersburg, Vyazma, Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Chita, Khabarovsk -
Ekaterinburg -
Моscow -
Saint-Petersburg -
1520 Signal
Компания ТрансТелеКом (ТТК) TransTeleCom (TTK) is one of the leading Russian telecom operators. TTK’s main shareholder is Russian Railways, which owns a 99.99% stake in the Company. For Russian Railways’ technological needs TransTeleCom develops and implements innovative digital services. TTK operates and maintains one of the largest fiber-optic networks in Russia with the length of more than 78,000 km and the capacity of more than 4,2 Tbit/s. The transcontinental TTK EurasiaHighway has connections to virtually all neighboring countries, including China, Japan, Mongolia, the DPRK, Finland, the Baltic States and the CIS, and is considered the best route for signal transmission between Europe and Asia. TTK is one of the main providers of telecommunications services for operators and the largest corporations in Russia, and one of the leaders among providers of broadband Internet access services. The Company also provides Interactive TV and mobile communication services for end users in the regions.Компания ТрансТелеКом (ТТК) TransTeleCom (TTK) is one of the leading Russian telecom operators. TTK’s main shareholder is Russian Railways, which owns a 99.99% stake in the Company. For Russian Railways’ technological needs TransTeleCom develops and implements innovative digital services. TTK operates and maintains one of the largest fiber-optic networks in Russia with the length of more than 78,000 km and the capacity of more than 4,2 Tbit/s. The transcontinental TTK EurasiaHighway has connections to virtually all neighboring countries, including China, Japan, Mongolia, the DPRK, Finland, the Baltic States and the CIS, and is considered the best route for signal transmission between Europe and Asia. TTK is one of the main providers of telecommunications services for operators and the largest corporations in Russia, and one of the leaders among providers of broadband Internet access services. The Company also provides Interactive TV and mobile communication services for end users in the regions.Компания ТрансТелеКом (ТТК) TransTeleCom (TTK) is one of the leading Russian telecom operators. TTK’s main shareholder is Russian Railways, which owns a 99.99% stake in the Company. For Russian Railways’ technological needs TransTeleCom develops and implements innovative digital services. TTK operates and maintains one of the largest fiber-optic networks in Russia with the length of more than 78,000 km and the capacity of more than 4,2 Tbit/s. The transcontinental TTK EurasiaHighway has connections to virtually all neighboring countries, including China, Japan, Mongolia, the DPRK, Finland, the Baltic States and the CIS, and is considered the best route for signal transmission between Europe and Asia. TTK is one of the main providers of telecommunications services for operators and the largest corporations in Russia, and one of the leaders among providers of broadband Internet access services. The Company also provides Interactive TV and mobile communication services for end users in the regions.Компания ТрансТелеКом (ТТК) TransTeleCom (TTK) is one of the leading Russian telecom operators. TTK’s main shareholder is Russian Railways, which owns a 99.99% stake in the Company. For Russian Railways’ technological needs TransTeleCom develops and implements innovative digital services. TTK operates and maintains one of the largest fiber-optic networks in Russia with the length of more than 78,000 km and the capacity of more than 4,2 Tbit/s. The transcontinental TTK EurasiaHighway has connections to virtually all neighboring countries, including China, Japan, Mongolia, the DPRK, Finland, the Baltic States and the CIS, and is considered the best route for signal transmission between Europe and Asia. TTK is one of the main providers of telecommunications services for operators and the largest corporations in Russia, and one of the leaders among providers of broadband Internet access services. The Company also provides Interactive TV and mobile communication services for end users in the regions.JSC Federal Freight Company Freight Joint Stock Company (FFC, subsidiary of Russian Railways (RZD) is one of the largest freight rail operators in Russia. FFC ranks among the top three operators in the INFOLine RAIL RUSSIA TOP ranking. FFC’s core business is the guaranteed and high-quality provision of consignors with rolling stock in the 1520 mm gauge railway space, as well as the provision of transportation and forwarding services and comprehensive transportation service for its customers.
FFC’s priorities include improving client focus and quality of service, applying modern information technologies, implementing digital formats into the operating activities, and creating a transportation environment that enables customers to get barrier-free access to the Company’s services. The bulk of freights transported by FFC serve the needs of the fuel and energy sector, the housing and public utility sector, the construction, metal, agricultural and other key industries of Russian economy. FFC’s activities make it possible to solve primary social tasks related to the production and consumption of the products transported, and promote the intensive development of business, including small and medium-sized businesses. FFC operates 15 branches and transport service agencies within the Russian railway system, as well as representative offices in Moscow and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
As of 1 October 2020, FFC’s total wagon fleet numbered 127,000 units of rolling stock.
ООО «ЕвразХолдинг» EVRAZ is a vertically integrated steel, mining and vanadium business with operations in the Russian Federation, the USA, Canada, the Czech Republic, Italy and Kazakhstan. EVRAZ is among the top steel producers in the world. A significant portion of the Company’s internal consumption of iron ore and coking coal is covered by its mining operations. The Group is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 index. EVRAZ is one of the key global producers of railway products. The Company maintains sustainable leadership in the Russian and North American rail markets. It also exports rails and solid rolled wheels to four out of five populated continents.Transmashholding TMH (Transmashholding) is a #1 manufacturer in Russia and CIS and #4 globally. The company offers a comprehensive lineup of products and services, ranging from design and engineering of rolling stock to modernization, lifecycle service contracts, and digital traffic control systems.TMH is a Russian company, headquartered in Moscow, with international offices in Switzerland, Hungary, South Africa, Egypt, Argentina, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. It incorporates 16 manufacturing and assembly plants in Russia and abroad, with its international footprint covering over 30 countries.
«Group of companies 1520» LLC
https://1520.ruThe 1520 Group of Companies was founded in 2014. It is one of the largest production and construction holdings in Russia concentrated on the design and construction of railways. Group’s global reach covers the entire Russian railway track with a track gauge of 1,520 mm - from the Baltics to the Pacific Ocean. The Group employs over 20 thousand people.
The 1520 Group of Companies focuses on complex construction, renovation and overhaul of railway infrastructure facilities of any complexity level, design and survey work, production of structures, assemblies and parts, construction and maintenance of highways.
The 1520 Group of Companies is participating in the modernization and development of the "Eastern Polygon" - the Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur Mainlines, in the renovation and development of the Central Transport Hub as well as in other major projects intended for the integrated development of the railway infrastructure in the Russian Federation.
The 1520 Group of Companies is a highly professional team of managers, designers, engineers and experts specialized in complicated construction-related fields who have unique experience in the railway and road construction in any climatic conditions.
The 1520 Group of Companies is comprised of the following companies and enterprises:
Project Division:
Moscow and 18 branches across Russia -
Saint Petersburg -
Construction Division:
Moscow, Tynda, Chita, Khabarovsk -
Моscow, Saint-Petersburg, Vyazma, Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Chita, Khabarovsk -
Ekaterinburg -
Моscow -
Saint-Petersburg -
1520 Signal
https://www.vtb.ruJSC VTB Bank, its subsidiary banks and financial organisations (VTB Group) is an international financial group, offering a wide range of financial and banking services and products in Russia, the CIS, and select countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa.
VTB Bank provides a full range of banking services through a wide network of branches. Its subsidiary organisations offer insurance, leasing, factoring and other financial services.
VTB Group has the most extensive international network of any Russian bank, with more than 20 banks and financial companies in more than 20 countries.
As of 31 December 2020, the Group was the second largest financial group in Russia by assets (RUB 18.1 trillion) and by customer accounts (RUB 12.8 trillion).
The Government of the Russian Federation is VTB Group’s main shareholder and owns 60.9% of the voting shares through the Federal Property Management Agency.
For more information please visit
https://www.vtb.ruJSC VTB Bank, its subsidiary banks and financial organisations (VTB Group) is an international financial group, offering a wide range of financial and banking services and products in Russia, the CIS, and select countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa.
VTB Bank provides a full range of banking services through a wide network of branches. Its subsidiary organisations offer insurance, leasing, factoring and other financial services.
VTB Group has the most extensive international network of any Russian bank, with more than 20 banks and financial companies in more than 20 countries.
As of 31 December 2020, the Group was the second largest financial group in Russia by assets (RUB 18.1 trillion) and by customer accounts (RUB 12.8 trillion).
The Government of the Russian Federation is VTB Group’s main shareholder and owns 60.9% of the voting shares through the Federal Property Management Agency.
For more information please visit
НПК «Объединенная вагонная компания» The United Carriage Company Research and Production Corporation is the largest domestic and second-largest freight wagon manufacturer in the world. At the end of 2017, UWC enterprises produced 19.1 thousand freight wagons. The railway holding is an integrated provider in the field of production, transport services and operational leasing, engineering and service of new generation freight cars. The composition of NPK UWK includes "Tikhvin Carriage Works", "TikhvinChemMash", "TikhvinSpetsMash", SPC "Spring", the transport company UNICON 1520, leasing companies under the brand RAIL1520, car-repair enterprise TSZ "Titran-Express" and "All-Union Research Center for Transport Technologies." More than 11,000 people work at the enterprises of the UIC. The production capacity is up to 22 thousand freight cars, 30 thousand cast car-sets and 67 thousand wheelsets.Компания ТрансТелеКом (ТТК) TransTeleCom (TTK) is one of the leading Russian telecom operators. TTK’s main shareholder is Russian Railways, which owns a 99.99% stake in the Company. For Russian Railways’ technological needs TransTeleCom develops and implements innovative digital services. TTK operates and maintains one of the largest fiber-optic networks in Russia with the length of more than 78,000 km and the capacity of more than 4,2 Tbit/s. The transcontinental TTK EurasiaHighway has connections to virtually all neighboring countries, including China, Japan, Mongolia, the DPRK, Finland, the Baltic States and the CIS, and is considered the best route for signal transmission between Europe and Asia. TTK is one of the main providers of telecommunications services for operators and the largest corporations in Russia, and one of the leaders among providers of broadband Internet access services. The Company also provides Interactive TV and mobile communication services for end users in the regions.Группа "Сибантрацит" Группа «Сибантрацит» занимает первое место в мире по производству и экспорту высококачественного антрацита UHG, является крупнейшим в России производителем металлургических углей. В Группу входят ведущие угольные компании Новосибирской области – АО «Сибирский Антрацит» и ООО «Разрез Восточный», крупный производитель угля в Кемеровской области ООО «Разрез Кийзасский». Группа направляет существенные инвестиции в расширение железнодорожной и портовой инфраструктуры. Предприятия Группы входят в число крупнейших налогоплательщиков в регионах присутствия.JSC VTB Bank
https://www.vtb.ruJSC VTB Bank, its subsidiary banks and financial organisations (VTB Group) is an international financial group, offering a wide range of financial and banking services and products in Russia, the CIS, and select countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa.
VTB Bank provides a full range of banking services through a wide network of branches. Its subsidiary organisations offer insurance, leasing, factoring and other financial services.
VTB Group has the most extensive international network of any Russian bank, with more than 20 banks and financial companies in more than 20 countries.
As of 31 December 2020, the Group was the second largest financial group in Russia by assets (RUB 18.1 trillion) and by customer accounts (RUB 12.8 trillion).
The Government of the Russian Federation is VTB Group’s main shareholder and owns 60.9% of the voting shares through the Federal Property Management Agency.
For more information please visit
Компания ТрансТелеКом (ТТК) TransTeleCom (TTK) is one of the leading Russian telecom operators. TTK’s main shareholder is Russian Railways, which owns a 99.99% stake in the Company. For Russian Railways’ technological needs TransTeleCom develops and implements innovative digital services. TTK operates and maintains one of the largest fiber-optic networks in Russia with the length of more than 78,000 km and the capacity of more than 4,2 Tbit/s. The transcontinental TTK EurasiaHighway has connections to virtually all neighboring countries, including China, Japan, Mongolia, the DPRK, Finland, the Baltic States and the CIS, and is considered the best route for signal transmission between Europe and Asia. TTK is one of the main providers of telecommunications services for operators and the largest corporations in Russia, and one of the leaders among providers of broadband Internet access services. The Company also provides Interactive TV and mobile communication services for end users in the regions.Компания ТрансТелеКом (ТТК) TransTeleCom (TTK) is one of the leading Russian telecom operators. TTK’s main shareholder is Russian Railways, which owns a 99.99% stake in the Company. For Russian Railways’ technological needs TransTeleCom develops and implements innovative digital services. TTK operates and maintains one of the largest fiber-optic networks in Russia with the length of more than 78,000 km and the capacity of more than 4,2 Tbit/s. The transcontinental TTK EurasiaHighway has connections to virtually all neighboring countries, including China, Japan, Mongolia, the DPRK, Finland, the Baltic States and the CIS, and is considered the best route for signal transmission between Europe and Asia. TTK is one of the main providers of telecommunications services for operators and the largest corporations in Russia, and one of the leaders among providers of broadband Internet access services. The Company also provides Interactive TV and mobile communication services for end users in the regions.Transmashholding TMH (Transmashholding) is a #1 manufacturer in Russia and CIS and #4 globally. The company offers a comprehensive lineup of products and services, ranging from design and engineering of rolling stock to modernization, lifecycle service contracts, and digital traffic control systems.TMH is a Russian company, headquartered in Moscow, with international offices in Switzerland, Hungary, South Africa, Egypt, Argentina, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. It incorporates 16 manufacturing and assembly plants in Russia and abroad, with its international footprint covering over 30 countries.
Lokotech LLC
http://www.locotech.ruLokoTech LLC manages assets that provide maintenance, repair, modernization and leasing of locomotives, production of components and parts for enterprises of railway engineering. The perimeter of the group of managed assets includes LokoTech-Service LLC, Zheldorremmash JSC, LokoTech-Leasing LLC, LokoTech Trading House LLC, LokoTech-Promservis LLC, etc.The production base consists of 9 locomotive repair plants and about 90 service depots throughout Russia.
PJSC TransContainer PJSC TransContainer is a Russian intermodal container operator that manages the largest fleet of containers and flatcars in Russia over the entire 1520 standard railway network. The Company has unique experience with effective fleet management on more than 300,000 routes in Russia and abroad as well as the implementation of door-to-door integrated transportation and logistics solutions that allow for delivering container cargo to any destination in Russia, the CIS, Europe or Asia using in-house transportation assets and/or involving partner companies. PJSC TransContainer owns a network of rail-side container terminals, located at 38 cargo-generating centers across Russia. The Company’s joint ventures and subsidiaries also operate 19 railway terminals in Kazakhstan, three terminals in Russia and one terminal on the border between Slovakia and Ukraine. Besides PJSC TransContainer owns the largest specialized rolling-stock in Russia, CIS and Baltic countries: over 27,000 flatcars and about 74,000 ISO containers. The Company’s sales network includes 92 offices in Russia and ensures presence in countries of CIS, Europe and Asia.Lokotech LLC
http://www.locotech.ruLokoTech LLC manages assets that provide maintenance, repair, modernization and leasing of locomotives, production of components and parts for enterprises of railway engineering. The perimeter of the group of managed assets includes LokoTech-Service LLC, Zheldorremmash JSC, LokoTech-Leasing LLC, LokoTech Trading House LLC, LokoTech-Promservis LLC, etc.The production base consists of 9 locomotive repair plants and about 90 service depots throughout Russia.
JSC NIIAS is a leading institute of the Russian Railways and Design Institute for Information Technology, Signalling and Telecommunications in Railway Transport
JSC NIIAS is a leading institute of the Russian Railways in research, development and implementation of intelligent traffic control and ATP systems, rail infrastructure monitoring and diagnostics systems.
The key areas of the Institute's activities are:
∙ Train separation and traffic control systems
∙ Onboard ATP units and ATO solutions (incl. GoA 3-4)
∙ Control computer complexes and systems of intelligent diagnostics
∙ Digital robotic stations
∙ Simulation of technological processes and rail infrastructure
∙ Information security and cybersecurity
∙ Transport security
∙ Geoinformation systems and technologies
∙ Design and survey works (BIM technologies).
Also, JSC "NIIAS" is a leading developer of regulatory and technical documentation, including industry standards and technical regulations, and provides industry expertise in the field of technical safety, information security and cybersecurity, management of rail assets resources, risks and reliability, resource and power saving, geoinformation and satellite technology.
Association of Manufacturers of Railway Engineering
The non-commercial partnership "Association of Manufacturers of Railway Engineering" was founded in 2007. Currently, the Partnership includes 148 organizations from 32 regions of the Russian Federation, producing 90% of all rail products in Russia.
Main activities:
- protection of the rights and legitimate interests of railway engineering enterprises, promotion of the development of competition, creative and business activity, expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation;
- consolidation of efforts aimed at improving competitiveness by improving product quality and technical development of enterprises producing railway equipment;
- integration of resources for the development of knowledge-intensive systems engineering projects, creation of modern regulatory and technical base that meets the requirements of international standards;
- achieving world-class product quality and ensuring the fullest possible satisfaction of the needs of the Russian economy in high-quality railway equipment and infrastructure components.
ООО «ЕвразХолдинг» EVRAZ is a vertically integrated steel, mining and vanadium business with operations in the Russian Federation, the USA, Canada, the Czech Republic, Italy and Kazakhstan. EVRAZ is among the top steel producers in the world. A significant portion of the Company’s internal consumption of iron ore and coking coal is covered by its mining operations. The Group is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 index. EVRAZ is one of the key global producers of railway products. The Company maintains sustainable leadership in the Russian and North American rail markets. It also exports rails and solid rolled wheels to four out of five populated continents.НПК «Объединенная вагонная компания» The United Carriage Company Research and Production Corporation is the largest domestic and second-largest freight wagon manufacturer in the world. At the end of 2017, UWC enterprises produced 19.1 thousand freight wagons. The railway holding is an integrated provider in the field of production, transport services and operational leasing, engineering and service of new generation freight cars. The composition of NPK UWK includes "Tikhvin Carriage Works", "TikhvinChemMash", "TikhvinSpetsMash", SPC "Spring", the transport company UNICON 1520, leasing companies under the brand RAIL1520, car-repair enterprise TSZ "Titran-Express" and "All-Union Research Center for Transport Technologies." More than 11,000 people work at the enterprises of the UIC. The production capacity is up to 22 thousand freight cars, 30 thousand cast car-sets and 67 thousand wheelsets.JSC Radioavioniсa
www.radioavionica.ruJSC Radioavioniсa carries out a full range of works on the creation and serial production of innovative multipurpose equipment for both railway transport (nondestructive testing systems for rail and interlocking systems). The quality management system meets the requirements of GOST ISO 9001-2011 and IRIS. Company’s products meet the highest requirements for reliability and safety, and in terms of its technical characteristics confidently compete with the products of well-known concerns with lower cost parameters
Компания ТрансТелеКом (ТТК) TransTeleCom (TTK) is one of the leading Russian telecom operators. TTK’s main shareholder is Russian Railways, which owns a 99.99% stake in the Company. For Russian Railways’ technological needs TransTeleCom develops and implements innovative digital services. TTK operates and maintains one of the largest fiber-optic networks in Russia with the length of more than 78,000 km and the capacity of more than 4,2 Tbit/s. The transcontinental TTK EurasiaHighway has connections to virtually all neighboring countries, including China, Japan, Mongolia, the DPRK, Finland, the Baltic States and the CIS, and is considered the best route for signal transmission between Europe and Asia. TTK is one of the main providers of telecommunications services for operators and the largest corporations in Russia, and one of the leaders among providers of broadband Internet access services. The Company also provides Interactive TV and mobile communication services for end users in the regions.Компания ТрансТелеКом (ТТК) TransTeleCom (TTK) is one of the leading Russian telecom operators. TTK’s main shareholder is Russian Railways, which owns a 99.99% stake in the Company. For Russian Railways’ technological needs TransTeleCom develops and implements innovative digital services. TTK operates and maintains one of the largest fiber-optic networks in Russia with the length of more than 78,000 km and the capacity of more than 4,2 Tbit/s. The transcontinental TTK EurasiaHighway has connections to virtually all neighboring countries, including China, Japan, Mongolia, the DPRK, Finland, the Baltic States and the CIS, and is considered the best route for signal transmission between Europe and Asia. TTK is one of the main providers of telecommunications services for operators and the largest corporations in Russia, and one of the leaders among providers of broadband Internet access services. The Company also provides Interactive TV and mobile communication services for end users in the regions.Union of Industries of Railway Equipment - UIREНП «ОПЖТ» создано в 2007 году. В настоящее время в состав Партнёрства входят 132 организации из 32 регионов Российской Федерации, производящих 90% всей железнодорожной продукции в России.
Основные направления деятельности:
защита прав и законных интересов предприятий железнодорожного машиностроения, содействие развитию конкуренции, творческой и деловой активности, расширению взаимовыгодного сотрудничества;
консолидация усилий, направленных на повышение конкурентоспособности за счёт улучшения качества продукции и технического развития предприятий производителей железнодорожной техники;
интеграция ресурсов для освоения наукоемких системотехнических проектов, создания современной нормативно-технической базы, отвечающей требованиям международных стандартов;
достижение мирового уровня качества продукции и обеспечения максимально полного удовлетворения потребностей российской экономики в качественной железнодорожной технике и компонентах инфраструктуры.
ELARA JSC manufactures
www.elara.ruELARA JSC manufactures a wide range of civilian products: - devices and systems for railway transport (microprocessor control system equipment, driver's standardized control panels), - equipment for automated process control systems for thermal and nuclear power facilities, - automotive electronics (instrument panels for KAMAZ, URAL, PAZ, KAVZ, VOLZHANIN motor vehicles, industrial and agricultural tractors), - printed-circuit boards, electronic modules, contract manufacturing products. ELARA JSC has a complete production cycle that allows to manufacture technology intensive products from PCBs and electronic modules to control cabinets and perform commissioning and preliminary independent tests.
Acron Group
www.acron.ruAcron Group is one of the leading vertically integrated producers of mineral fertilizers in Russia and the world. The Group's chemical enterprises are located in Veliky Novgorod (PJSC Acron) and the Smolensk Region (PJSC Dorogobuzh). The Group includes the enterprise of SZFK, JSC, which extracts phosphate raw materials for the production of mineral fertilizers. The Group's transport and logistics infrastructure includes a terminal complex for transshipment and shipment of fertilizers in Russia, as well as AS DBT holding in Estonia, including a DBT terminal for transshipment of dry fertilizers in Muuga, and a BCT terminal in Sillamäe for the storage and transshipment of ammonia and liquid mineral fertilizers. Currently, Acron Group is implementing a new strategy aimed at increasing the volume of transshipment of products through the ports of the Russian Federation. In May 2018, complex fertilizers were transshipped through the Murmansk Bulker Terminal. In June, the Group together with the European Sulfur Terminal, which owns a transshipment complex at the Ust-Luga commercial sea port, concluded a long-term agreement for the transshipment of mineral fertilizers. The group has its own sales networks in Russia (Agronova CJSC) and China (Yong Sheng Feng). The annual volume of cargo transported by Acron Group enterprises exceeds 7 million tons. Products are shipped to 65 countries. The main markets for the Group are Russia, Brazil, Europe and the USA. The need for the transportation of raw materials and finished products in the domestic market, as well as to the seaports, is provided by a subsidiary of Acron-Trans JSC, which has more than 3,700 units of rolling stock in operation.
ООО «Модум-Транс» Modum-Trans has been delivering goods via railways for 10 years in Russia, Baltic Countries etc. It is one of the major players in the industry right now. The main goals of the company are to ensure the leadership, increase the park and widen the client base. Modum-Trans’ purpose is influencing on the railway industry development in a positive manner and to get the competitive environment to perfection.JSC High-speed Rail LinesО компании: АО «Скоростные магистрали» — дочерняя компания ОАО «РЖД», отвечающая за реализацию инновационных проектов в сфере железнодорожного транспорта, включая создание высокоскоростных магистралей (ВСМ).
Миссия компании - Обеспечить создание и развитие в России сети высокоскоростных железнодорожных магистралей;
Цели компании - Сформировать уникальные технические и управленческие компетенции для разработки проектов ВСМ;
Сформировать нормативную и правовую базу для реализации ВСМ проектов на принципах государственного частного партнерства;
Создать национальные стандарты для ВСМ на базе и с учетом международных стандартов;
Сформировать компетенции по реализации проектов ВСМ в России на принципах ГЧП.
Компания является проектным офисом, имеет в своем штате высококлассных менеджеров со значительным опытом реализации крупных высокотехнологичных инвестиционных проектов в России и за рубежом. АО «Скоростные магистрали» работает в партнерстве с такими лидерами рынка как AECOM, PWC, Freshfields, Ernst&Young. В настоящее время АО «Скоростные магистрали» обладает уникальным опытом и компетенциями в сфере развития проектов ВСМ, — принципиально новых высокотехнологичных проектов, при реализации которых используются современные материалы и технологии, создающие предпосылки для развития наукоемких отраслей с высоким уровнем добавленной стоимости. По масштабности, охвату территорий, влиянию на их социально-экономическое развитие проекты ВСМ относятся к категории проектов общегосударственного значения.
Генеральный директор компании - Тони Олег Вильямсович
JSC "Russian Railways Logistics" JSC RZD Logistics is the largest multimodal logistics operator in the CIS and Baltic countries. Created in order to develop the logistics business segment of Russian Railways Holding, the company is among the leaders of Russian logistics market and offers its clients a wide range of services, including international container transit and supply chain management.JSC RZD Logistics (RZDL) — one of the leading companies on Russian forwarding services market. The company was established in 2010 in the line with the logistics business development within Russian Railways Holding.
JSC RZD Logistics has been leading the rating of the largest logistics companies in Russia operating primarily on the “no assets” model. At the end of 2019, the volume of traffic of JSC RZD Logistics amounted to 163,3 thousand TEU, proceeds – 36.2 billion rubles.
RZDL has presence in more than 30 cities of Russia and subsidiaries abroad.
www.suek.ruSiberian Coal Energy Company is one of the leading coal mining companies in the world and the largest coal producer in Russia. SUEK enterprises located in eight regions of Russia employ more than 33.5 thousand people. SUEK includes 26 cuts and mines, 9 processing plants and installations, three seaports, transport and repair facilities. In terms of coal reserves - 5.4 billion tons - SUEK ranks fifth among the coal companies in the world. In terms of production, SUEK is among the ten largest world producers. SUEK is a leading exporter of Russian coal and is among the top 10 global producers and exporters of coal. The company is one of the recognized leaders in corporate social responsibility in the country. The task of social policy SUEK - a comprehensive improvement of the quality of life in mining towns and villages and the creation of a comfortable social environment in them. SUEK implements about 150 social and charitable projects annually. In 2017, the company allocated 1.284 billion rubles for social and charitable purposes
НПК «Объединенная вагонная компания» The United Carriage Company Research and Production Corporation is the largest domestic and second-largest freight wagon manufacturer in the world. At the end of 2017, UWC enterprises produced 19.1 thousand freight wagons. The railway holding is an integrated provider in the field of production, transport services and operational leasing, engineering and service of new generation freight cars. The composition of NPK UWK includes "Tikhvin Carriage Works", "TikhvinChemMash", "TikhvinSpetsMash", SPC "Spring", the transport company UNICON 1520, leasing companies under the brand RAIL1520, car-repair enterprise TSZ "Titran-Express" and "All-Union Research Center for Transport Technologies." More than 11,000 people work at the enterprises of the UIC. The production capacity is up to 22 thousand freight cars, 30 thousand cast car-sets and 67 thousand wheelsets.Scientific Development and Production Center SAUT
Scientific Development and Production Center SAUT, LLC successfully develops and manufactures microprocessor systems for traction rolling stock and track infrastructure to ensure the safety and reliability of railway transportation.
We do not stand still and are constantly developing, mastering new technologies and production methods. Thanks to the innovative approach to development and design and ongoing joint efforts of young specialists and leading developers, our safety and control devices are effectively operated on the railroads of our country. This allows the company to remain the market leader in Russia in its industry for twenty-seven years.
We are always open to interesting ideas and innovative projects.
We are trusted with the most valuable things - people's life and safety. That is why we are continuously improving the quality of our products.
But we do not stop there, we continue to implement best practices in the field of quality. The quality management system of Scientific Development and Production Center SAUT, LLC is certified for compliance with the requirements of international standards ISO/TS 22163:2017 (IRIS) and ISO 9001:2015.
«Group of companies 1520» LLC
https://1520.ruThe 1520 Group of Companies was founded in 2014. It is one of the largest production and construction holdings in Russia concentrated on the design and construction of railways. Group’s global reach covers the entire Russian railway track with a track gauge of 1,520 mm - from the Baltics to the Pacific Ocean. The Group employs over 20 thousand people.
The 1520 Group of Companies focuses on complex construction, renovation and overhaul of railway infrastructure facilities of any complexity level, design and survey work, production of structures, assemblies and parts, construction and maintenance of highways.
The 1520 Group of Companies is participating in the modernization and development of the "Eastern Polygon" - the Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur Mainlines, in the renovation and development of the Central Transport Hub as well as in other major projects intended for the integrated development of the railway infrastructure in the Russian Federation.
The 1520 Group of Companies is a highly professional team of managers, designers, engineers and experts specialized in complicated construction-related fields who have unique experience in the railway and road construction in any climatic conditions.
The 1520 Group of Companies is comprised of the following companies and enterprises:
Project Division:
Moscow and 18 branches across Russia -
Saint Petersburg -
Construction Division:
Moscow, Tynda, Chita, Khabarovsk -
Моscow, Saint-Petersburg, Vyazma, Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Chita, Khabarovsk -
Ekaterinburg -
Моscow -
Saint-Petersburg -
1520 Signal
LLC «Managing Port Company»
www.portmanagement.ruPort Management Company LLC (UPK LLC) is the largest coal port holding company in Russia, the sole executive body of the largest coal terminals in Russia, JSC Vostochny Port and JSC Rosterminalugol. The total cargo turnover in 2017 exceeded 48.4 million tons, which is more than a third of the Russian sea coal export. Vostochny Port JSC under the leadership of the CPC is implementing the largest investment project in the Far East for the construction of the 3rd line of specialized coal public access complex, which will increase the capacity of the port from 23.5 to 40 million tons in 2019. The construction project of the 3rd stage is carried out with the synchronous development of the railway infrastructure of art. Nakhodka-Vostochnaya in cooperation with Russian Railways. JSC Rosterminalugol is the largest specialized coal port in the North-West of Russia. At the end of 2017, the turnover of Rosterminalugol JSC increased by 38% and reached a record figure of 25 million tons. The introduction of international standards of quality management systems and environmental management is a priority of the CPC, which guarantees the provision of the full range of environmental protection measures and increased profitability of the port business.
JSC Federal Freight Company Freight Joint Stock Company (FFC, subsidiary of Russian Railways (RZD) is one of the largest freight rail operators in Russia. FFC ranks among the top three operators in the INFOLine RAIL RUSSIA TOP ranking. FFC’s core business is the guaranteed and high-quality provision of consignors with rolling stock in the 1520 mm gauge railway space, as well as the provision of transportation and forwarding services and comprehensive transportation service for its customers.
FFC’s priorities include improving client focus and quality of service, applying modern information technologies, implementing digital formats into the operating activities, and creating a transportation environment that enables customers to get barrier-free access to the Company’s services. The bulk of freights transported by FFC serve the needs of the fuel and energy sector, the housing and public utility sector, the construction, metal, agricultural and other key industries of Russian economy. FFC’s activities make it possible to solve primary social tasks related to the production and consumption of the products transported, and promote the intensive development of business, including small and medium-sized businesses. FFC operates 15 branches and transport service agencies within the Russian railway system, as well as representative offices in Moscow and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
As of 1 October 2020, FFC’s total wagon fleet numbered 127,000 units of rolling stock.
Lokotech LLC
http://www.locotech.ruLokoTech LLC manages assets that provide maintenance, repair, modernization and leasing of locomotives, production of components and parts for enterprises of railway engineering. The perimeter of the group of managed assets includes LokoTech-Service LLC, Zheldorremmash JSC, LokoTech-Leasing LLC, LokoTech Trading House LLC, LokoTech-Promservis LLC, etc.The production base consists of 9 locomotive repair plants and about 90 service depots throughout Russia.
JSC Federal Freight Company Freight Joint Stock Company (FFC, subsidiary of Russian Railways (RZD) is one of the largest freight rail operators in Russia. FFC ranks among the top three operators in the INFOLine RAIL RUSSIA TOP ranking. FFC’s core business is the guaranteed and high-quality provision of consignors with rolling stock in the 1520 mm gauge railway space, as well as the provision of transportation and forwarding services and comprehensive transportation service for its customers.
FFC’s priorities include improving client focus and quality of service, applying modern information technologies, implementing digital formats into the operating activities, and creating a transportation environment that enables customers to get barrier-free access to the Company’s services. The bulk of freights transported by FFC serve the needs of the fuel and energy sector, the housing and public utility sector, the construction, metal, agricultural and other key industries of Russian economy. FFC’s activities make it possible to solve primary social tasks related to the production and consumption of the products transported, and promote the intensive development of business, including small and medium-sized businesses. FFC operates 15 branches and transport service agencies within the Russian railway system, as well as representative offices in Moscow and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
As of 1 October 2020, FFC’s total wagon fleet numbered 127,000 units of rolling stock.
АО «Объединенная транспортно-логистическая компания – Евразийский железнодорожный альянс» (ОТЛК ЕРА)
JSC United Transport and Logistics Company – Eurasian Rail Alliance (UTLC ERA) is an asset-light forwarding company. It is an operator of transit container services between China and Europe, performing transportation of goods through the territory of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belorussia, as part of regular container trains from China to Europe (5430 km) per 5.5 days. The founders on an equal footing are JSC RZD, Belarusian Railway (BCh) and JSC NK Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (each owns 33,33% of shares).
UTLC ERA traffic volume in 2019 amounted to 333 thousand TEUs. During the first seven months of 2020 traffic volume amounted to 277.6 thousand TEUs showing 67% growth with the respect to the same period of 2019.
UTLC ERA supports various projects in the field of cultural and sustainable development of the countries participating in the New Silk Road.
JSC United Transport and Logistics Company – Eurasian Rail Alliance (UTLC ERA) was created on 2 April 2018 after restructuring JSC United Transport and Logistics Company (JSC UTLC), that was founded on 13 November 2014. UTLC ERA is UTLC’s legal successor in operating transit container services.
Ural Mining Мetallurgical company (UMMC) is a Russian group that operates more than 40 industrial companies in the mining industry, non-ferrous metallurgy and steel industry, coal mining and machine building in Russia and abroad.
The group includes largest specialized coal seaports with high-tech coal transshipment in Russia – Vostochny Port JSC and Rosterminalugol JSC in the East and North-West of the country.
LLC “Transport and Logistics Group“ Transoil ” Transoil LLC Transport and logistics group Transoil is the largest Russian private group of companies, consisting of the same transport company and three service companies, allowing to manage the technical operation of locomotives and rolling stock. The group's strategy is aimed at the growth of the fleet and the expansion of the range of goods transported, as well as the development of auxiliary infrastructure. The leading transport company, Transoil LLC, has been providing since 2003 freight services in own and leased rolling stock. The company operates about 50 thousand tank wagons. In addition, the company owns 47 locomotives served by locomotive crews and repair units of the Group’s operating company Transoil-Service.LLC “Transport and Logistics Group“ Transoil ” Transoil LLC Transport and logistics group Transoil is the largest Russian private group of companies, consisting of the same transport company and three service companies, allowing to manage the technical operation of locomotives and rolling stock. The group's strategy is aimed at the growth of the fleet and the expansion of the range of goods transported, as well as the development of auxiliary infrastructure. The leading transport company, Transoil LLC, has been providing since 2003 freight services in own and leased rolling stock. The company operates about 50 thousand tank wagons. In addition, the company owns 47 locomotives served by locomotive crews and repair units of the Group’s operating company Transoil-Service.JSC “Vostochny Port”
The production capacity of Vostochny Port JSC is 55 mln tonnes per year. In 2019 the company implemented the largest private investment project in the Russian stevedoring industry, including launch of specialized coal terminal and construction of new railway infrastructure at Nakhodka-Vostochnaya railway station. Total investments amounted to over RUR40 bln.
НПК «Объединенная вагонная компания» The United Carriage Company Research and Production Corporation is the largest domestic and second-largest freight wagon manufacturer in the world. At the end of 2017, UWC enterprises produced 19.1 thousand freight wagons. The railway holding is an integrated provider in the field of production, transport services and operational leasing, engineering and service of new generation freight cars. The composition of NPK UWK includes "Tikhvin Carriage Works", "TikhvinChemMash", "TikhvinSpetsMash", SPC "Spring", the transport company UNICON 1520, leasing companies under the brand RAIL1520, car-repair enterprise TSZ "Titran-Express" and "All-Union Research Center for Transport Technologies." More than 11,000 people work at the enterprises of the UIC. The production capacity is up to 22 thousand freight cars, 30 thousand cast car-sets and 67 thousand wheelsets.ГК «Новотранс»
«Новотранс» - один из лидеров транспортной отрасли России. Парк грузовых вагонов - 25 тыс. На заводах вагоноремонтного дивизиона холдинга обслуживаются более 60 тыс. грузовых вагонов в год. «Стивидорная компания «Новотранс» осуществляет погрузку и выгрузку судов на Автомобильно-Железнодорожном Паромном Комплексе в порту Усть-Луга. В Ленинградской области «Новотранс» строит универсальный морской перевалочный комплекс LUGAPORT. Мощность пяти терминалов по переработке зерна, пищевых, а также генеральных грузов в порту Усть-Луга превысит 24,3 млн т/год. Инвестиции составят 46,5 млрд руб.АО «Объединенная транспортно-логистическая компания – Евразийский железнодорожный альянс» (ОТЛК ЕРА)
JSC United Transport and Logistics Company – Eurasian Rail Alliance (UTLC ERA) is an asset-light forwarding company. It is an operator of transit container services between China and Europe, performing transportation of goods through the territory of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belorussia, as part of regular container trains from China to Europe (5430 km) per 5.5 days. The founders on an equal footing are JSC RZD, Belarusian Railway (BCh) and JSC NK Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (each owns 33,33% of shares).
UTLC ERA traffic volume in 2019 amounted to 333 thousand TEUs. During the first seven months of 2020 traffic volume amounted to 277.6 thousand TEUs showing 67% growth with the respect to the same period of 2019.
UTLC ERA supports various projects in the field of cultural and sustainable development of the countries participating in the New Silk Road.
JSC United Transport and Logistics Company – Eurasian Rail Alliance (UTLC ERA) was created on 2 April 2018 after restructuring JSC United Transport and Logistics Company (JSC UTLC), that was founded on 13 November 2014. UTLC ERA is UTLC’s legal successor in operating transit container services.
PJSC TransContainer PJSC TransContainer is a Russian intermodal container operator that manages the largest fleet of containers and flatcars in Russia over the entire 1520 standard railway network. The Company has unique experience with effective fleet management on more than 300,000 routes in Russia and abroad as well as the implementation of door-to-door integrated transportation and logistics solutions that allow for delivering container cargo to any destination in Russia, the CIS, Europe or Asia using in-house transportation assets and/or involving partner companies. PJSC TransContainer owns a network of rail-side container terminals, located at 38 cargo-generating centers across Russia. The Company’s joint ventures and subsidiaries also operate 19 railway terminals in Kazakhstan, three terminals in Russia and one terminal on the border between Slovakia and Ukraine. Besides PJSC TransContainer owns the largest specialized rolling-stock in Russia, CIS and Baltic countries: over 27,000 flatcars and about 74,000 ISO containers. The Company’s sales network includes 92 offices in Russia and ensures presence in countries of CIS, Europe and Asia.Delo Group
Delo Group is the major Russian transportation and logistics holding company that owns and operates port container terminals in the Azov and Black Sea, Baltic and Far-Eastern basins, a wide network of railway container terminals, a fleet of containers and flatcars.
The Group’s stevedore business is represented by DeloPorts holding and the leading operator of port container terminals Global Ports. TransContainer and Ruscon assemble the transportation and logistics business of Delo Group.
International Coordinating Council on Trans-Eurasian Transportation International Coordinating Council on Trans-Eurasian TransportationАО «Первая Грузовая Компания» Joint Stock Company Federal Freight Company (JSC FGC, a subsidiary of JSC Russian Railways) is one of the largest freight railway operators in Russia. Federal Freight Company is one of the three leaders in the INFOLine RAIL RUSSIA TOP operators rating. The main Company activity is the guaranteed and quality providing rolling stock to shippers in the 1520 gauge area, as well as the providing of freight forwarding services. The priority tasks of Federal Freight Company are to increase client-centredness and quality of the providing service, use of modern IT services, including digital formats in operational activity, create a transport environment that provides customers with barrier-free access to the Company's services. The bulk of the cargo transported by Federal Freight Company is intended for the needs of the fuel and energy complex and the housing and utilities sector, constructions, metallurgical, agricultural and other key sectors of the Russian economy. The activity of Federal Freight Company allows to solve the primary social problems associated with the production and consumption of transported products, contributes to the intensive development of business, including small and medium ones. There are seven branches and eight transport service agencies of Federal Freight Company, as well as representative offices in Moscow and the Republic of Kazakhstan, operating on the Russian railway range.JSC Holding Company Metalloinvest Metalloinvest is a global leader in merchant hot briquetted iron (HBI) production, a major producer and supplier of iron ore and steel products and one of the regional producers of high-quality steel.Metalloinvest owns some of Russia’s leading metals and mining enterprises: Lebedinsky GOK and Mikhailovsky GOK, OEMK, Ural Steel and Ural Scrap Company, as well as businesses providing services and supplies of raw materials to mining and steel enterprises.The Company has the world’s second-largest measured iron ore reserve base in the world with approximately 14 billion tonnes on a JORC-equivalent basis. This equates to a mine life of around 138 years at current mining levels. Metalloinvest is the world’s second-largest pellet producer and a regional leader in production of niche grades of high-quality rolled steel. OEMK and Ural Steel together produce more than 2,000 grades of steel.GETO GETO was founded in Basle in 1978. Its aim was to safeguard the interests of European Transsiberian operators and to support the increase in transportation on the most important Eurasian railway route. In the past, when the Eurasian landbridge was mentioned, it first of all denoted the Trans-Siberian railway corridor that GETO originally was named for as GETO was the German abbreviation for "Gemeinschaft der Europäischen Transsibirien Operateure und Spediteure", i.e. Group of European Transsiberian Operators and Forwarders. Yet this has changed completely since the BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE was introduced in 2013 by the Chinese government. The intention is, to revive the Silk Road. To take into account the eminent importance of the Eurasian landbridge, the GETO members decided to rename GETO into "Group of European TransEurasia Operators and Forwarders". GETO is the West European pillar of the international network for promoting Transsiberian transport from, to and in transit with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). It belongs to the initiators and founders of the International Coordinating Council on Transsiberian Transportation (CCTT) in Moscow. GETO supports the Council's activities in a constructive and committed way.The common aim of CCTT and GETO is to promote the international transport on the Eurasian railway route with various initiatives and this has greatly contributed to the development of transportation on this significant railway corridor.EY EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, or our clients and for our communities. EY works together with companies across the CIS and assists them in realizing their business goals. 4,500 professionals work at 19 CIS offices (in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Togliatti, Vladivostok, Almaty, Astana, Atyrau, Bishkek, Baku, Kyiv, Tashkent, Tbilisi, Yerevan and Minsk).JSC "Russian Railways Logistics" JSC RZD Logistics is the largest multimodal logistics operator in the CIS and Baltic countries. Created in order to develop the logistics business segment of Russian Railways Holding, the company is among the leaders of Russian logistics market and offers its clients a wide range of services, including international container transit and supply chain management.JSC RZD Logistics (RZDL) — one of the leading companies on Russian forwarding services market. The company was established in 2010 in the line with the logistics business development within Russian Railways Holding.
JSC RZD Logistics has been leading the rating of the largest logistics companies in Russia operating primarily on the “no assets” model. At the end of 2019, the volume of traffic of JSC RZD Logistics amounted to 163,3 thousand TEU, proceeds – 36.2 billion rubles.
RZDL has presence in more than 30 cities of Russia and subsidiaries abroad.
АО «Федеральная пассажирская компания» Federal Passenger Company - subsidiary of JSC Russian Railways is the national long-distance railway carrier of the Russian Federation, the European leader in railway passenger turnover and size of the fleet. In 2019, over 100 million people used the trains of the Company. JSC FPC operates in 77 regions of Russia, performs an important social function of ensuring the mobility of the population. During last 10 years JSC FPC takes care of comfort and safety of its passengers, making railway trips more comfortable and affordable. Reliability and comfort - fundamental base of provided services in the trains of the Company. On route, highly qualified personnel take care of passengers, who decided to use railway transport. Also, JSC FPC offers services that make a railway trip in Russia more comfortable. In order to make a trip not only comfortable but also affordable, "RZD Bonus" loyalty program enables passengers to accumulate reward points and exchange them for premium services.
АО «Федеральная пассажирская компания» Federal Passenger Company - subsidiary of JSC Russian Railways is the national long-distance railway carrier of the Russian Federation, the European leader in railway passenger turnover and size of the fleet. In 2019, over 100 million people used the trains of the Company. JSC FPC operates in 77 regions of Russia, performs an important social function of ensuring the mobility of the population. During last 10 years JSC FPC takes care of comfort and safety of its passengers, making railway trips more comfortable and affordable. Reliability and comfort - fundamental base of provided services in the trains of the Company. On route, highly qualified personnel take care of passengers, who decided to use railway transport. Also, JSC FPC offers services that make a railway trip in Russia more comfortable. In order to make a trip not only comfortable but also affordable, "RZD Bonus" loyalty program enables passengers to accumulate reward points and exchange them for premium services.
RZD TV Телеканал РЖД ТВ – источник качественной информации для сотрудников российских железных дорог и участников отрасли в целом. Канал стремится помогать в выстраивании профессиональных и жизненных стратегий, рассказывает о том, как функционирует компания, о технических новациях, об экономических достижениях, о производстве, о достойных людях, о социальных проектах и построении досуга, о спорте, о самых важных новостях в жизни страны и мира в целом.JSC Holding Company Metalloinvest Metalloinvest is a global leader in merchant hot briquetted iron (HBI) production, a major producer and supplier of iron ore and steel products and one of the regional producers of high-quality steel.Metalloinvest owns some of Russia’s leading metals and mining enterprises: Lebedinsky GOK and Mikhailovsky GOK, OEMK, Ural Steel and Ural Scrap Company, as well as businesses providing services and supplies of raw materials to mining and steel enterprises.The Company has the world’s second-largest measured iron ore reserve base in the world with approximately 14 billion tonnes on a JORC-equivalent basis. This equates to a mine life of around 138 years at current mining levels. Metalloinvest is the world’s second-largest pellet producer and a regional leader in production of niche grades of high-quality rolled steel. OEMK and Ural Steel together produce more than 2,000 grades of steel.MIA «Russia Today»
MIA "Russia Today" is one of the largest news agencies in the world with headquarters in Moscow. The main principles of its activities, RIA Novosti proclaims "efficiency, objectivity, independence from the political situation". Since June 8, 2014 is a news agency and online publication.
Russian newspaper FSВI «Editorial «Rossiyskaya gazeta»«Rossiyskaya Gazeta» is a modern multimedia group that provides readers daily with up-
to-date, reliable and relevant information about Russian regional and federal affairs and
worldwide events. The newspaper and its electronic platforms publish news, features, exclusive interviews and comments from public officials and the most powerful representatives of business, politics and culture. Today "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" is the leader in terms of audience size in the segment of daily sociopolitical and business newspapers. It is also among the leaders of the media citation rating.
Media holding of «Rossiyskaya gazeta» include:
«Rossiyskaya gazeta» - Daily social and political newspaper
«Rossiyskaya gazeta - Nedelya» - Weekly issue
«Rodina» - Monthly historical magazine
«Rossiyskaya gazeta» supplements - Special color thematic supplements
RZD TV Телеканал РЖД ТВ – источник качественной информации для сотрудников российских железных дорог и участников отрасли в целом. Канал стремится помогать в выстраивании профессиональных и жизненных стратегий, рассказывает о том, как функционирует компания, о технических новациях, об экономических достижениях, о производстве, о достойных людях, о социальных проектах и построении досуга, о спорте, о самых важных новостях в жизни страны и мира в целом.Russian newspaper FSВI «Editorial «Rossiyskaya gazeta»«Rossiyskaya Gazeta» is a modern multimedia group that provides readers daily with up-
to-date, reliable and relevant information about Russian regional and federal affairs and
worldwide events. The newspaper and its electronic platforms publish news, features, exclusive interviews and comments from public officials and the most powerful representatives of business, politics and culture. Today "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" is the leader in terms of audience size in the segment of daily sociopolitical and business newspapers. It is also among the leaders of the media citation rating.
Media holding of «Rossiyskaya gazeta» include:
«Rossiyskaya gazeta» - Daily social and political newspaper
«Rossiyskaya gazeta - Nedelya» - Weekly issue
«Rodina» - Monthly historical magazine
«Rossiyskaya gazeta» supplements - Special color thematic supplements
Railway equipment
Railway Equipment Journal is a leading Russian issue about the rolling stock production and operation and the general publishing venue for materials dedicated to Russian railway industry scientific and technological breakthroughs. Besides materials about technical, economic and legal aspects of industry development, the issue includes unique statistics covering the recent industry state.
Научно-технический журнал, выпускается Издательским Домом «Пульс времени» в сотрудничестве с Международной ассоциацией логистического бизнеса (МАЛБИ), Некоммерческим Партнерством «Гильдия экспедиторов», Институтом проблем транспорта и логистики (ЗАО «ИПТИЛ»), при поддержке Комитета Госдумы РФ по транспорту, Министерства транспорта РФ, ОАО «Российские железные дороги», Российской Академии наук.
АО «Объединенная транспортно-логистическая компания – Евразийский железнодорожный альянс» (ОТЛК ЕРА)
JSC United Transport and Logistics Company – Eurasian Rail Alliance (UTLC ERA) is an asset-light forwarding company. It is an operator of transit container services between China and Europe, performing transportation of goods through the territory of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belorussia, as part of regular container trains from China to Europe (5430 km) per 5.5 days. The founders on an equal footing are JSC RZD, Belarusian Railway (BCh) and JSC NK Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (each owns 33,33% of shares).
UTLC ERA traffic volume in 2019 amounted to 333 thousand TEUs. During the first seven months of 2020 traffic volume amounted to 277.6 thousand TEUs showing 67% growth with the respect to the same period of 2019.
UTLC ERA supports various projects in the field of cultural and sustainable development of the countries participating in the New Silk Road.
JSC United Transport and Logistics Company – Eurasian Rail Alliance (UTLC ERA) was created on 2 April 2018 after restructuring JSC United Transport and Logistics Company (JSC UTLC), that was founded on 13 November 2014. UTLC ERA is UTLC’s legal successor in operating transit container services.
Railway equipment
Railway Equipment Journal is a leading Russian issue about the rolling stock production and operation and the general publishing venue for materials dedicated to Russian railway industry scientific and technological breakthroughs. Besides materials about technical, economic and legal aspects of industry development, the issue includes unique statistics covering the recent industry state.
Transport Innovation
Научно-технический журнал, выпускается Издательским Домом «Пульс времени» в сотрудничестве с Международной ассоциацией логистического бизнеса (МАЛБИ), Некоммерческим Партнерством «Гильдия экспедиторов», Институтом проблем транспорта и логистики (ЗАО «ИПТИЛ»), при поддержке Комитета Госдумы РФ по транспорту, Министерства транспорта РФ, ОАО «Российские железные дороги», Российской Академии наук.
Transport Strategy XXI century
Information and analytical magazine about transport and logistics, publishing interviews, reviews, analytical articles and comments: heads of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, State Duma of the Russian Federation, Council of Federation of the Russian Federation, heads of leading transport companies, presidents of republics, governors.
НПК «Объединенная вагонная компания» The United Carriage Company Research and Production Corporation is the largest domestic and second-largest freight wagon manufacturer in the world. At the end of 2017, UWC enterprises produced 19.1 thousand freight wagons. The railway holding is an integrated provider in the field of production, transport services and operational leasing, engineering and service of new generation freight cars. The composition of NPK UWK includes "Tikhvin Carriage Works", "TikhvinChemMash", "TikhvinSpetsMash", SPC "Spring", the transport company UNICON 1520, leasing companies under the brand RAIL1520, car-repair enterprise TSZ "Titran-Express" and "All-Union Research Center for Transport Technologies." More than 11,000 people work at the enterprises of the UIC. The production capacity is up to 22 thousand freight cars, 30 thousand cast car-sets and 67 thousand wheelsets.JSC Federal Freight Company Freight Joint Stock Company (FFC, subsidiary of Russian Railways (RZD) is one of the largest freight rail operators in Russia. FFC ranks among the top three operators in the INFOLine RAIL RUSSIA TOP ranking. FFC’s core business is the guaranteed and high-quality provision of consignors with rolling stock in the 1520 mm gauge railway space, as well as the provision of transportation and forwarding services and comprehensive transportation service for its customers.
FFC’s priorities include improving client focus and quality of service, applying modern information technologies, implementing digital formats into the operating activities, and creating a transportation environment that enables customers to get barrier-free access to the Company’s services. The bulk of freights transported by FFC serve the needs of the fuel and energy sector, the housing and public utility sector, the construction, metal, agricultural and other key industries of Russian economy. FFC’s activities make it possible to solve primary social tasks related to the production and consumption of the products transported, and promote the intensive development of business, including small and medium-sized businesses. FFC operates 15 branches and transport service agencies within the Russian railway system, as well as representative offices in Moscow and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
As of 1 October 2020, FFC’s total wagon fleet numbered 127,000 units of rolling stock.
АО «Федеральная пассажирская компания» Federal Passenger Company - subsidiary of JSC Russian Railways is the national long-distance railway carrier of the Russian Federation, the European leader in railway passenger turnover and size of the fleet. In 2019, over 100 million people used the trains of the Company. JSC FPC operates in 77 regions of Russia, performs an important social function of ensuring the mobility of the population. During last 10 years JSC FPC takes care of comfort and safety of its passengers, making railway trips more comfortable and affordable. Reliability and comfort - fundamental base of provided services in the trains of the Company. On route, highly qualified personnel take care of passengers, who decided to use railway transport. Also, JSC FPC offers services that make a railway trip in Russia more comfortable. In order to make a trip not only comfortable but also affordable, "RZD Bonus" loyalty program enables passengers to accumulate reward points and exchange them for premium services.
Национальная ассоциация организаций и управленцев сферы здравоохранения Национальная ассоциация организаций и управленцев сферы здравоохранения
RZD TV Телеканал РЖД ТВ – источник качественной информации для сотрудников российских железных дорог и участников отрасли в целом. Канал стремится помогать в выстраивании профессиональных и жизненных стратегий, рассказывает о том, как функционирует компания, о технических новациях, об экономических достижениях, о производстве, о достойных людях, о социальных проектах и построении досуга, о спорте, о самых важных новостях в жизни страны и мира в целом.RZD TV Телеканал РЖД ТВ – источник качественной информации для сотрудников российских железных дорог и участников отрасли в целом. Канал стремится помогать в выстраивании профессиональных и жизненных стратегий, рассказывает о том, как функционирует компания, о технических новациях, об экономических достижениях, о производстве, о достойных людях, о социальных проектах и построении досуга, о спорте, о самых важных новостях в жизни страны и мира в целом.RZD TV Телеканал РЖД ТВ – источник качественной информации для сотрудников российских железных дорог и участников отрасли в целом. Канал стремится помогать в выстраивании профессиональных и жизненных стратегий, рассказывает о том, как функционирует компания, о технических новациях, об экономических достижениях, о производстве, о достойных людях, о социальных проектах и построении досуга, о спорте, о самых важных новостях в жизни страны и мира в целом.RZD TV Телеканал РЖД ТВ – источник качественной информации для сотрудников российских железных дорог и участников отрасли в целом. Канал стремится помогать в выстраивании профессиональных и жизненных стратегий, рассказывает о том, как функционирует компания, о технических новациях, об экономических достижениях, о производстве, о достойных людях, о социальных проектах и построении досуга, о спорте, о самых важных новостях в жизни страны и мира в целом.RZD TV Телеканал РЖД ТВ – источник качественной информации для сотрудников российских железных дорог и участников отрасли в целом. Канал стремится помогать в выстраивании профессиональных и жизненных стратегий, рассказывает о том, как функционирует компания, о технических новациях, об экономических достижениях, о производстве, о достойных людях, о социальных проектах и построении досуга, о спорте, о самых важных новостях в жизни страны и мира в целом.RZD TV Телеканал РЖД ТВ – источник качественной информации для сотрудников российских железных дорог и участников отрасли в целом. Канал стремится помогать в выстраивании профессиональных и жизненных стратегий, рассказывает о том, как функционирует компания, о технических новациях, об экономических достижениях, о производстве, о достойных людях, о социальных проектах и построении досуга, о спорте, о самых важных новостях в жизни страны и мира в целом.RZD TV Телеканал РЖД ТВ – источник качественной информации для сотрудников российских железных дорог и участников отрасли в целом. Канал стремится помогать в выстраивании профессиональных и жизненных стратегий, рассказывает о том, как функционирует компания, о технических новациях, об экономических достижениях, о производстве, о достойных людях, о социальных проектах и построении досуга, о спорте, о самых важных новостях в жизни страны и мира в целом.Railway equipment
Railway Equipment Journal is a leading Russian issue about the rolling stock production and operation and the general publishing venue for materials dedicated to Russian railway industry scientific and technological breakthroughs. Besides materials about technical, economic and legal aspects of industry development, the issue includes unique statistics covering the recent industry state.
Institute of natural monopolies research Институт проблем естественных монополий (ИПЕМ) – российский независимый исследовательский центр в сфере инфраструктурных и смежных отраслей экономики. Основан в 2005 году. Исследовательский коллектив Института включает более 30 специалистов, среди которых 5 докторов и 5 кандидатов наук. За 14 лет работы выполнено более 500 научно-исследовательских работ. ИПЕМ активно работает в более чем 30 экспертных советов и рабочих группах органов власти, инфраструктурных компаний и отраслевых объединений.Genetics-info Genetics-info - современный портал, освещающий последние достижения медицинской генетики.
Institute of natural monopolies research Институт проблем естественных монополий (ИПЕМ) – российский независимый исследовательский центр в сфере инфраструктурных и смежных отраслей экономики. Основан в 2005 году. Исследовательский коллектив Института включает более 30 специалистов, среди которых 5 докторов и 5 кандидатов наук. За 14 лет работы выполнено более 500 научно-исследовательских работ. ИПЕМ активно работает в более чем 30 экспертных советов и рабочих группах органов власти, инфраструктурных компаний и отраслевых объединений.International Coordinating Council on Trans-Eurasian Transportation International Coordinating Council on Trans-Eurasian TransportationMibsnews Журнал MIBS+HealthCareBusinessNews — совместный проект Медицинского института им. Березина Сергея (МИБС), являющегося лидером в лучевой терапии в РФ, и HealthCareBusinessNews, одного из наиболее известных изданий на рынке здравоохранения США. Он-лайн издание посвящено передовым техническим, технологическим, клиническим и информационным решениям в медицине. Ориентировано на широкий круг заинтересованных в теме читателей.ООО «РЖД-Технологии» ООО «РЖД-Технологии»SRO Union of Railway Operators Market Self-regulating Organization Union of Railway Operators MarketАссоциация «Цифровой транспорт и логистика»
Цифровая трансформация для бизнеса,общества и государства
Ассоциация «Цифровой транспорт и логистика»
Цифровая трансформация для бизнеса,общества и государства
Railway equipment
Railway Equipment Journal is a leading Russian issue about the rolling stock production and operation and the general publishing venue for materials dedicated to Russian railway industry scientific and technological breakthroughs. Besides materials about technical, economic and legal aspects of industry development, the issue includes unique statistics covering the recent industry state.
Railway equipment
Railway Equipment Journal is a leading Russian issue about the rolling stock production and operation and the general publishing venue for materials dedicated to Russian railway industry scientific and technological breakthroughs. Besides materials about technical, economic and legal aspects of industry development, the issue includes unique statistics covering the recent industry state.
Интернет-издание Интернет-издание посвящено рынку информационных технологий и телекоммуникаций. Основным направлением деятельности портала является комплексное освещение событий и тенденций на рынке информационных технологий.Ежедневно на наш сайт выкладываются свежие новости из области телекоммуникаций, системной интеграции и компьютерного рынка, а также на наших страницах публикуются интервью, аналитические материалы, описания проектов, анонсы мероприятий. Сейчас освещает ИКТ-рынок Москвы, а также федеральные и глобальные новости.SRO Union of Railway Operators Market Self-regulating Organization Union of Railway Operators MarketInternational Railway Journal International Railway JournalПроект ICT2GOПроект ICT2GO — это уникальная база мероприятий рынка информационных технологий и смежных отраслей: CIO, регулирование и госуслуги, электронный документооборот, банковский сектор и другие. Мы собираем «под одной крышей» все значимые события: от крупных международных конгрессов до закрытых пресс-конференций.
В отличие от обычных агрегаторов, на сайте встроена удобная система фильтров по региону, тематике, виду мероприятия и временному периоду. В карточке ивента можно найти информацию о его организаторах, участниках и ключевых спикерах, ссылки на интернет-страницу, группы в социальных сетях и другие полезные данные.
Дополнительно мы предлагаем заказчикам сервисы мониторинга событий в сфере ИКТ по конкретной тематике и по компаниям-участникам, включая пресс-конференции и другие мероприятия для отраслевых журналистов. Подобные сведения будут актуальны как для маркетологов ИТ-компаний, так и для организаторов деловых мероприятий.
Сервис «Мониторинг предстоящих пресс-мероприятий» предоставляет пользователям доступ к расширенной базе событий ИТ-отрасли. В нее включены даже те ивенты, информация о которых не распространяется публично — такие, как пресс-туры, бизнес-завтраки и закрытые мероприятия. Вы будете в курсе актуальных и эксклюзивных новостей, репортажей и пресс-релизов еще до их появления.
Сервис позволит маркетологам и сотрудникам PR-подразделений планировать свои ивенты и новостные поводы, отслеживать активность коллег и конкурентов по рынку, понимать текущую и предстоящую повестку дня. Кроме того, это прекрасная возможность для организации ньюсджекинга на постоянной основе. HR-tv.ruRailway equipment
Railway Equipment Journal is a leading Russian issue about the rolling stock production and operation and the general publishing venue for materials dedicated to Russian railway industry scientific and technological breakthroughs. Besides materials about technical, economic and legal aspects of industry development, the issue includes unique statistics covering the recent industry state.
Seanews Information analysis agencyLogistics
Научно-технический журнал, выпускается Издательским Домом «Пульс времени» в сотрудничестве с Международной ассоциацией логистического бизнеса (МАЛБИ), Некоммерческим Партнерством «Гильдия экспедиторов», Институтом проблем транспорта и логистики (ЗАО «ИПТИЛ»), при поддержке Комитета Госдумы РФ по транспорту, Министерства транспорта РФ, ОАО «Российские железные дороги», Российской Академии наук.