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International railway fair in the area 1520 «PRO//Motion.Expo»

28-31 August 2019, Experimental loop of JSC Russian Railway Research Institute (VNIIZhT)

International railway fair in the area 1520 «PRO//Motion.Expo»

«PRO//Motion.Expo» - is a large-scale salon of railroad machinery and technologies designed for the 1520 track gauge and the only one in Europe that is strategically important for the development of the Russian railroad industry and enhancement of international cooperation.

«PRO//Motion.Expo» - is a unique forum and collaboration venue that brings together leaders of the railway industry, experts, and specialists that facilitates manufacturers’ presentations and execution of agreements with foreign partners. Is comprised of more than 20,000 square metres worth of exhibition space demonstrating over 100 full-scale specimens of machinery and equipment. It includes an industry-specific conference and thematic entertainment events for the exhibition participants.

More information on the website:

Key speakers of the salon

Key topics of the business program

  • Научно-технологическое развитие

    Ключевые технологии для обеспечения лидирующих позиций

  • Цифровые двойники

    Управления объектами и процессами

  • «Зеленые технологии» в отраслевом машиностроении

    Альтернативная тяга и экоамбиции

  • Железнодорожный транспорт в агломерациях

    Магистральный рельсовый каркас и ТПУ

  • Импортозамещение и стандарты качества

    Локализация и трансфер технологий будущего


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