Vladislav Dorofeev
General Director, Kaliningrad Sea Commercial Port
Vladislav Dorofeev
General Director, Kaliningrad Sea Commercial Port
Speaker's session
Vladimir Salamatov
CEO, International Trade and Integration Research Center (ITI)
Vladimir Salamatov
CEO, International Trade and Integration Research Center (ITI)
CEO of the International Trade and Integration Research Center (ITI).
From 2010 to 2011, acting as Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and a member of the Working Group, he was in charge of the negotiations on Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization with regard to technical trade barriers.
Since 2013 – Chairman of the Public Council under the Federal Accreditation Service (Rosaccreditation).
Since November 2016 – Chairman of the EAEU Business Council on Trade and Economic Cooperation with the People's Republic of China.
In 2014, he was named the CEO of the year in the category Growth Performance by The Moscow Times Awards.
Vladimir Salamatov is the author of over 80 published academic papers and monographs.
Doctor of Economics, PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor. Acting 2nd Class State Advisor of the Russian Federation.
Speaker's session
Victor Golomolzin
Head of Oktyabrskaya Railway – Branch of Russian Railways
Victor Golomolzin
Head of Oktyabrskaya Railway – Branch of Russian Railways
Valeriya Seledkova
Генеральный директор GEFCO в России
Valeriya Seledkova
Генеральный директор GEFCO в России
Speaker's session
Thomas Kargl
Member of the Board, Rail Cargo Group
Thomas Kargl
Member of the Board, Rail Cargo Group
Speaker's session
Sergey Abrosimov
Head of Kaliningrad Regional Customs
Sergey Abrosimov
Head of Kaliningrad Regional Customs
Speaker's session
Peter Anderson
General Manager, Mann Lines Multimodal Ltd.
Peter Anderson
General Manager, Mann Lines Multimodal Ltd.
Speaker's session
Olga Snigur
Генеральный директор ООО «ДБ Карго Руссия»
Olga Snigur
Генеральный директор ООО «ДБ Карго Руссия»
Speaker's session
Mikhail Akchibash
Head of Logistics Department, Novik Rail
Mikhail Akchibash
Head of Logistics Department, Novik Rail
Speaker's session
Maksim Munkin
Director for Transportation Management, RTSB GmbH
Maksim Munkin
Director for Transportation Management, RTSB GmbH
Speaker's session
Kamil Brzozowski
Specialist, Development, Investor Relations and Marketing, PKP CARGO S.A.
Kamil Brzozowski
Specialist, Development, Investor Relations and Marketing, PKP CARGO S.A.
Speaker's session
Isao Takahashi
President, Toyo Trans
Isao Takahashi
President, Toyo Trans
Speaker's session
Frank Lehner
Internalization Officer, ARS Altmann AG
Frank Lehner
Internalization Officer, ARS Altmann AG
Speaker's session
Dmitry Melnichuk
Director of Branch of TransContainer at Oktyabrskaya Railway
Dmitry Melnichuk
Director of Branch of TransContainer at Oktyabrskaya Railway
Speaker's session
Anton Taranenko
Client Director, FESCO
Anton Taranenko
Client Director, FESCO
Speaker's session
Andrey Barkov
General Director, Mann Lines Ltd.
Andrey Barkov
General Director, Mann Lines Ltd.
Speaker's session
Alexey Shilo
Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation
Alexey Shilo
Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation
Mr. Shilo was born on 21 July 1978. In 2000, he graduated from the Ural State University of Railway Transport with a degree in Transportation Organization and Management in Transport (Railway). In 2001, he graduated with a degree in Economics and Railway Transport Enterprise Management.
Mr. Shilo began his railway career in 2000 as a signal cabin duty officer at the Kurya station of the Sverdlovsk Railway. He later worked as Head of the Tchaikovskaya Station, Deputy Head of the Perm-Sortirovochnaya Station, Head of the Perm-2 Station, Deputy Head of the Perm Branch of the Sverdlovsk Railway, First Deputy Head of the Tyumen Branch of the Sverdlovsk Railway, and First Deputy Head of the Sverdlovsk Railway Transportation Service. He held senior positions in the Sverdlovsk and Gorky Directorates of Traffic Management, and also worked as Deputy Head of the Central Directorate of Traffic Management (for Development).
February 2015: Appointed Head of the Railway Services and Infrastructure Management Department
February 2017 – present: Head of the Centre for Corporate Transport Services (a branch of JSC Russian Railways)
10 May 2017 – present: Director of JSC Russian Railways for Commercial Activity – Head of the Centre for Corporate Transport Services
December 2018: Appointed Deputy Managing Director of JSC Russian Railways – Head of the Centre for Corporate Transport Services
Speaker's session
Alexey Grom
CEO, Chairman of the Board of the United Transport and Logistics Company – Eurasian Rail Alliance (UTLC ERA)
Alexey Grom
CEO, Chairman of the Board of the United Transport and Logistics Company – Eurasian Rail Alliance (UTLC ERA)
He graduated from the Russian University of Transport in 1993 (specialty "Transport Organization and governance in transport"), Stockholm School of Economics – in 2004 (Master of Business Administration).
2008 – Managing Director, Member of the Management Board, Vice-President for the Railway Division of the FESCO MC;
2012 – Member of the Supervisory Board of POJSC “Vladivostok Commercial Seaport” (VCSP), Vice President for Railway Division, First Vice President of PJSC “Far Eastern Shipping Company” (FESCO). Member of the Board of OYI Nurminen Logistics (Finland);
2016 – First Vice-President of JSC “UTLC”.
Since March 2016 – President of JSC “UTLC”, member of the Board of Directors of JSC “UTLC”. Member of the Board of Directors of Coalco Development;
Since 2018 – President of JSC “UTLC ERA”. -
Alexei Belsky
The Central Directorate for Management of the Terminal & Warehouse Complex, Russian Railways
Alexei Belsky
The Central Directorate for Management of the Terminal & Warehouse Complex, Russian Railways
Speaker's session
Alberto Grisone
Development Director in Russia, CIS and Middle East, Hupac Intermodal Ltd
Alberto Grisone
Development Director in Russia, CIS and Middle East, Hupac Intermodal Ltd
Alberto Grisone was born in 1970. He graduated from the Law Faculty of the State University of Milan in 1996. In 1998, he became the account manager at Hupak Intermodal LTD. In November 2011, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of Intermodal Express. In 2017, he was appointed Development Director in Russia, the CIS and the Middle East. In April 2018, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of Intermodal Express LLC (Moscow), a member of the Hupac group of companies. He is a member of the Working Group of the Coordination Council on Trans-Siberian Transportation to increase the competitiveness of the Trans-Siberian route.